Home politics Zakat may be paid potatoes … provided that they are disbursed to...

Zakat may be paid potatoes … provided that they are disbursed to those in need


Tuesday 18/March/2025 – 11:16 AM

Dr. Nazir Ayyad, the Mufti of the Republic, responded to a question that was received by one of the citizens.

The Honorable Mufti said through the official website of the Egyptian Ifta House: The basic principle in Zakat is to pay it out of the type of money in which it is required, and it is permissible to pay it in cash, and it is also permissible to pay it in value as an eye like the potatoes and others, provided that you are spent to those in need of it with an investigative need in the face of ownership.

The Grand Mufti of the Republic: Zakat may be paid potatoes … provided that they are disbursed to those in need

He continued: Islam made the main purpose of paying zakat to block the need of those in need; Imam al -Nawawi al -Shafi’i said in “Al -Majmaa” (5/330, i. Dar Al -Fikr): [المعتمد أن مقصود الزكاة سد خلة الفقير من مال الأغنياء] Ah.

He added: The basic principle of zakat is that it is the type of money in which it is obligatory; It has been proven that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, said to Muath, may God be pleased with him, when he sent him to Yemen: “Take love from love, and the sheep from the sheep, and the camel from the camels, and the cow from the cow.”

He continued: This is what the majority of jurists from the Malikis, Shafi’is and Hanbalis stipulated, as in “Aid to the School of Medina’s Doctrine” by Judge Abd al -Wahhab al -Maliki (p. 389, i.



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