Home politics We will not separate dramatic works suitable for the month of Ramadan...

We will not separate dramatic works suitable for the month of Ramadan .. The quality is the standard


Monday 10/Mar/2025 – 07:57 AM

A recent controversy raised the nature of the dramas that are presented in the month of Ramadan, which produced questions about the suitability of works that contain scenes of violence and conflicts of the spiritual atmosphere of the Holy Month, and in this context, the artist Ahmed Abdel Aziz commented on this matter, stressing that dramas cannot be classified based on the season of their presentation.

Ahmed Abdel Aziz: We will not separate dramatic works suitable for the month of Ramadan .. The quality is the standard

Ahmed Abdel Aziz said in statements to Cairo: We will not separate dramatic works suitable for the month of Ramadan, and works cannot be classified in this way, drama reflects reality, and the conflicts are part of life, we no longer present religious works in Ramadan as it was happening in the past, but this does not mean that there is a certain type of drama suitable for the month and another that does not fit. The work is judged by its quality and method of presenting it, and not by the quality of the events it deals with.

He added that the drama is its job providing stories that reflect life in all its details, noting that conflicts and violence are in reality, and therefore these topics cannot be excluded from dramas just because they are presented in Ramadan.

Ahmed Abdel Aziz explained that the most important thing is to present these issues in a technical manner that respects the viewer’s mind, away from promoting any negative behaviors.

The Ramadan season is witnessing a great diversity in business, between social and tender drama, action and comedy, which allows the public to be freedom of choice, and in light of this diversity, the drama makers believe that the greatest challenge is not on the subject of the story, but in the extent of the attractiveness and its artistic and its artistic.

It is noteworthy that the controversy over the content of Ramadan works is not new, but it is renewed every year with the change of the nature of dramatic production and viewing trends, which reflects the development of general taste and the impact of digital platforms on the drama industry.



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