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Through the official website …. Steps to change the bank IBAN in the Citizen Account Program 1446


The program for the citizen’s account explained that citizens were able to amend the bank IBAN number for all users by the official website, as well as the possibility of renewing the data for the personal account, and this is done through a confirmation message after amending the IBAN number and obtaining the new code, in addition to that doing this process enables the beneficiaries to obtain support without stopping, as the concerned authorities make sure of the validity of the data and the case of the account to approve the disbursement of support.

How to modify the IBAN bank number in the citizen account program

You can follow the following steps to set a new number of bank Ibian as follows:

  • Go to the official website To be calculated Citizen.
  • Take the data allocated to enter the personal account.
  • Immediately go to the main menu and then click on the beneficiary file.
  • Select and click on the bank account.
  • Without the new IBAN and make sure it is correct in a correct way.
  • To complete the process, please click OK to confirm the adjustment of the data and verify its authenticity.
  • A notification will be sent confirming the completion of the process successfully and changing the Aiban.

See also: Step by step .. How to inquire about the citizen account support and the conditions of eligibility 2025

Watch also: renew it electronically … the way to renew the national identity via the 1446 people and the necessary conditions

Update periodic data to ensure continued support

The citizen account indicated that making permanent data updating with the aim of modifying the data and verifying its validity to ensure the beneficiary data and its right to support, the aim of which is also to pay the support periodically and study the new amendments to dispense the appropriate support, as the support changes by changing the state of data.

How to inquire about supporting the citizen account

To ensure the right to obtain the appropriate support and value of the case, follow the following method:

  • Log in to the site account Citizen.
  • Take entry data for the account.
  • Determine the specific option for the eligibility study to learn the state of the beneficiary for this month.
  • After verifying the eligibility of the beneficiary and his right to support or not, you have to click on the financial payments of the support and exchange details.

Calculate the value of the estimated calculator for the citizen account

The program for the citizen’s account is presented is an estimated way to learn about the value of support as follows:

  • Going to the official website of the citizen account.
  • Select and click Calculator.
  • Take the following data:
    • The number of members of the beneficiary and their ages.
    • Record the total monthly income value for all family members.
  • Click on an option.
  • Then the value will be calculated according to the program standards, which were launched among the most prominent initiatives for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to support citizens and improve living by providing a suitable monthly support for a better life.


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