It is the night of the twenty -second of the blessed month of Ramadan, one of the distinguished nights, as it witnesses a great diligence of Muslims in worship and supplication, hoping that they will obtain from God Almighty forgiveness, success and mercy, especially as it falls within The last tenAnd in which God Almighty has hidden the Night of Power, which makes it a great opportunity to get closer and invalidate to God.
The twenty -second day of Ramadan
To pray on this blessed night, a special place, as Muslims are keen to use these hours by supplication, because of their great impact on changing conditions and achieving wishes, and this night is characterized by several virtues, the most prominent of which are:
- Approving the Night of Power: This night may coincide with the Night of Power, where supplication is answered and fate changes.
- Double the reward and reward: In the last ten days, the reward and wages are doubled, and supplication is one of the best deeds.
- Self -comfort and heart tranquility: Supplication and the remembrance give reassurance and keep worries and distress.
- Open the doors of livelihood and facilitate things: Supplication helps to achieve aspirations, facilitate matters of life, and relieve worries.
Doaa today 22 Ramadan
It is advised on this blessed night to diligence to pray, especially supplication for livelihood and facilitating matters, and one of the most beautiful of these supplications:
The supplication of livelihood on the night of Ramadan 22
- Oh God, open the doors of me, please, and it is easy for me to have a halal livelihood for what you sing about the question of others.
- Hey the bird in the sky and the whale in the water, bless me with a wide blessed livelihood, and make me the thankful.
- Oh God, bless me as you gave me, and give me the best of the world and the hereafter, and grant me abundant livelihood, and do not make my need only to you alone.
Doaa facilitate matters on the night of the 22nd of Ramadan
- Oh God, I ask you to facilitate my affairs, release my concern, remove my Karbi, and write to me from all distress.
- Oh God, facilitate all difficult, make my matter to me, and make a knot from my tongue, and prepare for me the good wherever I go.
- O Lord, there is no easy but what I made it easy, so I would make it easy for me, and bless me in my life, my time and my work.
A comprehensive prayer on the night of the 22nd of Ramadan
- Oh God, on this blessed night, write to me goodness, success and abundant livelihood, and I mean your worship, and accept my prayers, my fast and my prayers, and make me acceptable.
Therefore, investing this great night with sincere supplication and humble supplication is one of the best deeds that is desirable to do, closer to God and greed for his mercy and grace.