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The revelation in the Islamic perception is not limited to acts of worship, but rather includes building man and society and organizing life


Thursday 13/March/2025 – 05:19 PM

Among the pivotal questions in which the researchers of the truth is a question: What are the sources of knowledge?

The Grand Mufti of the Republic: The revelation in the Islamic perception is not limited to acts of worship, but rather includes building man and society and organizing life

His eminence explained, during a television interview, that this question raises a desire to reveal the correct ways that a person reaches knowledge related to his religion and worldly world, explaining that the sources of knowledge in the Islamic perception are based on three basic elements, which are: the sincere news of revelation, the proper mind, experience or appearance incidents.

His eminence added that some people of behavior and gratitude refer to a fourth source represented in taste, disclosure, inspiration, or radiance, or gratitude, a source that is domesticated in the field of recommendation and spiritual education, not in building legal rulings.

His eminence emphasized that the sincere news includes the Holy Qur’an and the noble Prophet’s Sunnah, where the contemplative of them stands on great treasures of knowledge, related to the Creator, the creature and the relationships between them, and he cited the Almighty saying: {He is the one who sent in the illiterate a messenger from them And it will be blessed and teach them the book and judgment} [الجمعة: 2]And the Almighty said: {And obey God and obey the Messenger} [النساء: 59]And His Glory be to Him: {Say: If you love God, then follow me, God will love you.} [آل عمران: 31].
He also cited the words of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him,: “Pray as you saw me praying”, and “Take your rituals from me”, indicating that the Prophet’s Sunnah is explained and shown to the Qur’an, and an explanation for its provisions.

The Grand Mufti of the Republic: The revelation in the Islamic perception is not limited to acts of worship, but rather includes building man and society and organizing life

The Mufti of the Republic explained that the revelation is a comprehensive source of knowledge, not only on devotional matters, but also includes the organization of society, the control of ethics, the establishment of values, and the development of legislation that regulates human life.

In his talk about the mind, he pointed out that he is one of the greatest divine blessings, and called for meditation on the soul and the universe, citing the Almighty saying:
{We will show them our verses in the horizons and in themselves until they show them that it is the truth} [فصلت: 53]And the Almighty said: {And in your soul, do you not see?} [الذاريات: 21]And His Glory be to Him: {Say: Walk in the earth and look …} [الروم: 42]He also pointed to the hadith of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: “Think about the families of God,” indicating that thinking is only with reason.

He noted his virtue of the importance of distinguishing between what the mind can realize in compliance with the texts, and what stops at the limits of hearing and transportation, such as the absences that there is no way to know except through revelation.

As for the experience, it is clear that it is an important cognitive means, especially in the fields of applied sciences, and it is a complement to revelation and reason in realizing reality and understanding its laws.

In his talk about revelation, taste and inspiration, the Mufti of the Republic indicated that it is one of the spiritual stations that belong to the people of recommendation and behavior, and it is not based on a legal ruling on it, but rather it is domesticated as long as it does not violate the legal texts.

His eminence concluded his speech by referring to what was reported from the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding Umar ibn Al -Khattab, may God be pleased with him, where he said: “There were modern nations in the nations, so if my nation is in my nation, then Omar”, referring to the story of “O Sariya Al -Jabal”, that it is one of the dignities that he is domesticated, and is not invoked legislative.



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