Sunday 02/Mar/2025 – 11:16 PM
The events of the second episode of the series Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan presented details about the Battle of Hanin, the difference of some Muslims on the spoils, the discussion of the Companions on the subject of the spoils, and the Muawiyah Muawiyah’s binding as a writer of revelation.
The events of the second episode
The second episode embodied the great companions, starting from Abu Bakr and Omar bin Al -Khattab, Ali bin Abi Talib, and others, during the events of the Battle of Hanin, during which Muawiyah emerged during the fighting.
Muawiyah is a writer for revelation
The events of the episode dealt with Muawiyah inherent to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, as a writer of revelation, where Abu Sufyan recommended his son to discipline with the Prophet, saying: The Prophet will be accompanied by a writer for the revelation .. You have to mix the desire to meet him with dread from Jalal his presence and reduce and burn your eyes and do not leave before you ask for permission and do not fold what I wrote before he retreated.
The episode touched on the marriage of Muawiyah, and a child had a child whom he called his name in the name of his sister, the mother of the believers, or Habiba, as well as the death of his wife after a short period of marriage, and his influence on her death.
The events highlighted the death of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, receiving the Companions to the news, and the transmission of the caliphate to Abu Bakr Al -Siddiq, the details of his succession and his confrontation with the Romans, and the role of Muawiyah emerged in persuading the caliph and Omar to prepare the Muslim army before going to the Roman war, and preparing a company that precedes the army to provide information.