In the presence of His Excellency Mr. Ali Abdel -Hussein Al -Asfour, Governor of the Northern Governorate, and with the participation of His Excellency Mr. Stephen Bondi, the US ambassador to the Kingdom, a number of employees of the governorate, the Al -Masa’in Academy team, and a number of volunteers, the northern governorate implemented a campaign to distribute healthy breakfast meals on the road at the intersection of the foot roundabout on Al -Badi Street.
His Excellency the Governor pointed out that the campaign comes within a package of charitable activities implemented by the northern governorate annually in the blessed month of Ramadan under the slogan “Ramadan Partnership and Confederation” to emphasize social interdependence and the values of human solidarity and emphasize the community partnership and spread a culture of volunteering and giving in charitable works, indicating that the province was keen to distribute a meal with health components to support the health cities program.
The governor expressed his thanks and appreciation to the American ambassador and all collaborators in this event, praising the role of the community service police in securing the safety of volunteers in the distribution process, calling on the Almighty to accept from everyone the good of the business and that the holy month will return to everyone with good.