Tuesday 04/March/2025 – 06:47 PM
The headache is one of the most prominent signs of cancer BrainAnd many of us usually ignore this symptom, but there are many symptoms associated with brain tumors, and from them The problems of vision, nausea, and a feeling of vomiting with sudden movements, seizures and drowsiness, and the brain tumor is a serious condition that requires immediate tests and treatment, and the following are early warning signs of brain tumors that should not be ignored, according to what was published in the Times Now newspaper.
There are many signs that are usually associated with headaches, and indicate the risk of developing brain tumors, including:
- Brain pain associated with a feeling of disease.
- Frequent waking up during the night.
- Eye problems such as blind spots or light flashes.
- Gradually increase the pain over a few weeks.
Other disturbing symptoms of brain tumors
While some people who suffer from a brain tumor do not suffer from any symptoms, especially if it is very small, some signs differ according to the location, size and type of the tumor, they can include:
The seizures indicate a variety of health problems, and up to 80% of people with brain tumors suffer from seizures, and these can range from light tremors in the hand to effects on the entire body.
Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are associated with many pathological conditions, but if they continue, they must be examined, the feeling of nausea with sudden movements can indicate the risk of brain cancer.
Lack of vision
According to experts, lack of visibility is one of the important symptoms of this exhausted condition, which occurs when the tumor presses the optic nerve, responsible for transferring visual information to the brain, and pressure causes the swelling of the visual disc, which leads to deformation of vision, including the lack of clarity of vision.
The more pressure on the skull, it reduces blood flow to the brain, which causes drowsiness or even loss of consciousness, and drowsiness is one of the important symptoms of the brain tumor, which often occurs due to the increased pressure inside the skull caused by the tumor, which reduces blood flow to the brain and leads to a feeling of fatigue and lethargy.