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The most prominent of which is ablution and sitting in a pure place .. 10 illuminations to manage the Qur’an during the month of Ramadan


Saturday 22/March/2025 – 04:38 PM

Al -Azhar International Electronic Center announced 10 lights to manage the Qur’an in the month of the Qur’an.

10 illuminations to manage the Qur’an in the month of the Qur’an

The Al -Azhar International Center for Electronic Battle, through the official page on the social networking site Facebook, said that managing the Holy Qur’an is meditation in its text and its words, understanding its connotations and rulings, and thinking about everything that came in it, and managing the Qur’an is the purpose of his reading, the way to obey his orders, and avoid his intentions, and it is a worship that the reader of the Holy Qur’an is rewarded; The Almighty said: {A book that we have revealed to you, your path to manage its signs, and to remember the first of the doors. ” [ص: 29]

Among the specific matters on the management of the Noble Qur’an as follows:

– The reader’s commitment to the etiquette of reciting the Qur’an from evoking the intention, ablution, sitting in a pure place, distance from the distractions, receiving the qiblah as much as possible, starting to seek refuge and Basmalah, taking into account the provisions of intonation, performance, endowment and starting.
– Choose the times of the presence of the heart, the calmness of the soul and the prey in reading and managing the Holy Qur’an; Like dawn time, the last third of the night.
Sensing the great Qur’an, and it is a cure of desires and suspicions.
– The reader is certain that he is addressing the Holy Qur’an, until he receives his messages and sermons, his orders and his intentions.
– Improving the sound of the Holy Quran from the aids to sensitize its greatness and understand its meanings; Our master, the Messenger of God, says: “Decorate the Qur’an with your voices.” [أخرجه الحاكم]
– His keenness on the purity of his heart, by moving away from sins and sins, the more it is far from it, the more he can understand, and it is gave up from God the conquest. Glory be to Him: {And fear God and teach you God ..} [البقرة: 282]And the Almighty said: {O you who believe, if you fear God, make you a difference ..}. [الأنفال: 29]
– To interact with what he reads and hears from the verses of the Noble Qur’an.
– The renovation of the influential verse in the heart and its repetition with the tongue, as this is closer to evoking its meaning and influences it, and it was reported from Abu Dhur, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet ﷺ performed a verse that he repeats it until it is a good saying: Your worship, and if you forgive them, you are the dear wise.} [أخرجه النسائي وابن ماجه]
– Research in the meaning of the verses and their connotations, and see what was stated in their interpretation and the reasons for their descent, and the constraints of thought and view of what is indicated by it.
– To strive to remind others of the words of his Lord, glory be to Him, as this is one of the reasons for understanding the Qur’an and managing it. [أخرجه البخاري]



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