Home news The Ministry of Human Resources resolves the controversy … the fact of...

The Ministry of Human Resources resolves the controversy … the fact of double social security 1446


The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the month of Ramadan every year spends a royal honor for individuals who are entitled to the social security program, with the aim of helping the beneficiaries and work to enhance their financial position during the holy month of Ramadan, and a number of rumors that claim that this honor will be doubled this year, but the Ministry of Resources resolved the controversy in this matter and clarified the truth that we will see in what is coming from lines.

The fact that the social security was doubled in Ramadan 1446

A lot of news and rumors were recently circulated about all social networking sites, and these rumors revolve around the possibility of double the royal honor 1446, as it was indicated that its value will be 1500 Saudi riyals to the breadwinner, and that the follower will get 750 Saudi riyals, but it is worth noting that what is being circulated so far is just rumors due to the lack of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development to confirm this news, That is why everything that is circulating of news about the doubling of the honor is considered only false news and rumors.

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Royal Royal Social Security beneficiaries

The royal honor is a financial grant provided as support for individuals who are entitled to the social security program in the holy month of Ramadan every year, and the Kingdom’s government spends it with the aim of helping all families and individuals with low incomes, so that they have a better standard of living.

Where the financial value of the royal honor submitted to the head of the family is 1000 Saudi riyals, while the rest of the family members are followers, the amount provided to them will be 500 Saudi riyals for each individual, and until now there is no accredited or official statement that clarifies the date scheduled to be disbursed during the current month of Ramadan.

But it will certainly be added this month as usual in Ramadan annually.

All those who are entitled to the honor can follow its descent or not through the official portal of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.

In addition to the official pages of the Ministry on social media sites, and in the event that these two pathways are not available, customer service can be contacted.


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