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The Minister of Irrigation discusses the state of the water system and preparing for the maximum water needs


Monday 17/Mar/2025 – 09:15 AM

Dr. Hani Swailem, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, held a meeting with a number of ministry leaders and heads of central departments for water resources and irrigation in the governorates to review the state of the water system and prepare for the maximum water needs.

The need for each irrigation department to adhere to the water shares prescribed to it

During the meeting, Dr. Swailem stressed the necessity of the commitment of every irrigation administration with the water shares prescribed to it, taking all the necessary measures to improve the process of managing and distributing water in the administration through the implementation of the work of purification and banks cleansing, and following up the beneficiaries of the privacy of the privacy, and to follow up the maintenance and replace the portables of the canals and the end of the end of the canals, and to follow up the application All beneficiaries obtain their water needs, adding that the evaluation of irrigation officials in the governorates depends mainly on several criteria, the most important of which are complaints and resolution rates, disinfection work and maintenance of water installations, especially priority gates, preventing encroachments on bridges and benefits of irrigation in the cradle, fulfilling data on data rules, and following up the procedures for benefiting from the Ministry’s property, and rates of collection of the ministry’s dues.

The Minister of Irrigation stressed the importance of continuing joint coordination with the Ministry of Housing regarding the identification of the quantities and sites of withdrawal for drinking purposes from the Nile River and the expansion in line with the determinants of the ability of the water sector and the actions of passing through the waterway, taking into account the extent of the ability of the irrigation management to provide the water needs required for the new drinking water stations or the expansion of existing stations according to the water balance in irrigation management and without effect Negatively on the rest of the water uses.

With regard to the maintenance and replacement of the shelling gates, Dr. Swailem directed the continuation of the implementation of the works while ensuring implementation at the highest level of quality and efficiency in accordance with the technical standards established, and to rely on the self -efforts of the preventive maintenance departments in the Ministry to implement maintenance and replacement of gates with small offer (less than 3 meters), with the technical, financial and administrative inspection sector in the Ministry to follow up the implementation work to ensure the guarantee Quality level.

Swailem also directed, by continuing the central departments of irrigation in the governorates, updating the different applications databases, which are concerned with (canal disinfection – the rehabilitation of canals – licenses – violations – properties – irrigation shifts – equipment – stores – cars), indicating the importance of providing these data immediately and accurately in enabling officials to take appropriate decisions that are reflected in the upgrading of the quality of the work system in the Ministry and improving performance in general.

Dr. Swailem stressed the importance of enhancing the benefit from the system of spatial variables in managing the Ministry’s assets and properties and facing encroachments, and emphasizing the role of the Ministry’s bodies in the governorates in maximizing the benefit of the Ministry’s properties and working to raise the rates of collecting the Ministry’s dues in order to increase the financial resources necessary to improve the financial status of workers in the Ministry and improve the services provided to them.



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