The remaining weapons with Iran’s agents in our region will not be voluntarily delivered to the national armies until Iran finishes negotiating with the United States of America. This weapon is Iran’s last paper to negotiate, and at the same time it is the pretext for the return of Israeli raids on Yemen, Gaza, Lebanon and perhaps Iraq.
By adhering to Iran’s agents or the so -called resistance axis of their position and refusing to hand over weapons and keeping this decision subject to a word from the Iranian Republic, they will wait for what will result in the US -Iranian negotiations, and when Iran reaches an agreement that satisfies it in exchange for its abandonment of the remaining weapons, it will do so without hesitation.
On the other hand, the new tramatic administration will not start serious negotiations with Iran until it is stripped of its advanced defenses, which are the militias in the Arab countries. This policy is based on getting rid of pressure papers before sitting to negotiate.
Accordingly, the raids will continue on Yemen, Gaza, Lebanon and Iraq if the militias remain in the handing over of their weapons voluntarily, and the victims will drop a price waiting for a word that comes out of the mouth of the Supreme Leader of Iran.
Do we expect the guide to the Arab peoples in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Syria in these blessed days of the holy month, and to order his agents who deny them to hand over weapons in order to preserve their lives and not cause more death and destruction for them? Will Khamenei abandon Iran’s advanced defenses before negotiating for his disciples, followers and imitators?
It is not possible .. Iran has just started dealing with the new American administration, which is a very, very clear policy regarding Iran’s responsibility for all its agents to the point that an American official has not previously stated, until Trump said that any Houthi attack will consider it Iranian, and we will not consider it Yemeni !! In a clear indication that the controller of all agents is Iran, not any militia leaders.
For the sake of Iran’s negotiating interest, it will remain in the field in the field and threaten the presence of the American forces as happened on the Lebanese -Syrian border, and for the sake of Iran, Hezbollah and Houthi will launch a few missiles on Israel, until the serious and actual negotiations between Iran and the United States of America begin on many outstanding files, whether the nuclear file or sanctions, and all of them will be the subject of discussion if the two sit on the table directly or through intermediaries.
Iran believes that the American warnings have not yet tested its seriousness, and there was no blow to Iranian territory or their ships, and for this the weapon will remain in the hands of the militias until the last in which it was redeemed in the interest of the Iranian negotiating Republic.
The maneuvers in which Iranian agents are trying to delay the delivery of weapons will not succeed, fabricating clashes with the army will not lead to the return of matters as they were, as threats have become “American -Israeli” clearly, but rather the Israeli right applauds with joy to the return of the raids again, there is a design and a rush – however the price – to get rid of the Iranian weapon and its militia And monitoring, and unfortunately, it will not be an individual suicide, but a collective, in which civilians have no guilt.