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The gas tube exploded .. 3 women were injured after a fire doctor’s clinic and gynecologist in the lake live feed


The city of Delingat in Al -Buhaira Governorate witnessed a tragic and unfortunate accident, as a fire broke out inside the clinic of a gynecologist and obstetrician due to the explosion of a gas tube, which resulted in the injury of 3 women and immediately they were taken to the hospital to check on their health.

A fire broke out in the clinic of a gynecologist and generation in the lake

On the details of the accident, it is returned when the security services in Beheira Governorate were received, a report stating that a fire broke out inside the clinic of a gynecologist and obstetrician in the city of Delingat, and news of the presence of injured.

A security force backed by a number of firefighting and ambulances moved to the report immediately; This is until the necessary investigations and checks are carried out, in addition to the speed of extinguishing the fire and the ambulance of the injured.

After the transition and examination, 3 women were injured by third degree burns across the body, as a result of a fire inside the clinic of a gynecologist and obstetric in the city of Delingat, following the explosion of a gas tube.

Immediately, the injured were transferred by ambulances to the burn department at Kafr El Dawar General Hospital; This is in order to provide the first aid necessary for them.

The Civil Protection Forces took control of the fire that broke out inside the gynecologist and obstetrician clinic, the necessary report was released and the competent authorities are conducting investigations to reveal the circumstances of the accident.



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