Home politics The first half of the European Nations League Spain outperforms the Netherlands...

The first half of the European Nations League Spain outperforms the Netherlands … and Denmark saves Cristiano


Sunday 23/March/2025 – 10:43 PM

The first half of the second leg of the quarter -finals has ended European Nations LeagueWhich is played at the same time today.

Spain and the Netherlands in the second leg of the European Nations League quarter -finals

The first half of the Spain and the Netherlands match witnessed the second leg of the European Championship quarter -finals, Matador advanced at home and among his fans.

The first leg in the Netherlands ended in a positive tie with two goals for each team.

The first half of the Spain and the Netherlands match ended in the second leg of the European Nations League quarter -finals, with a goal without a response.

Since the eighth minute, Spain has advanced by Eirazabal from a penalty kick, becoming the two matches in the European League quarter-finals is Spain’s superiority over the Netherlands 3-2.

<strong> Spain and Netherlands match in the second leg of the European Nations League quarter -finals </strong>“/><figcaption><strong>Spain and the Netherlands in the second leg of the European Nations League quarter -finals</strong></figcaption></figure>
<h2>Portugal and Denmark match in the second leg of the European Nations League quarter -finals</h2>
<p>In another match, Portugal defeated Denmark with a goal without a response.</p>
<p>Cristiano Ronaldo missed a penalty in the sixth minute after he carried out it in a bad way, but in the 38th minute Joachim Anderson scored the only goal in his goal; The two matches will become a 1-1 draw, after Denmark won 1-0.</p>
<figure class=<strong> Portugal and Denmark match in the second leg of the European Nations League quarter -finals </strong>“/><figcaption><strong>Portugal and Denmark match in the second leg of the European Nations League quarter -finals</strong></figcaption></figure>
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