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The Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities: The opening of the exhibition “From Hand to Hand to Hand – a New Craft of 100 years old” at the Bahrain National Museum


Within the activities of the Nineteenth Culture Spring Festival, the Bahrain National Museum witnessed the opening of the exhibition “From Hand to Hand to Hand – a New Craft of 100 years old”, in the presence of His Excellency the Japanese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain Okay Asaku and a number of senior officials of the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, official personalities, intellectuals and lovers of traditional arts.

The exhibition is organized by the Culture Authority, in coordination with the traditional Japanese Tea House and the role of Steel and Hanai Suzuki. While it was sponsored by the Japanese Embassy in Bahrain and Ibrahim Khalil Kano, the Gulf Petrochemical Industry Company, the Bahraini Business and Friendship Association, the School of Daughies, the Welfare Foundation for the planet Earth andKagizen Japan.

The exhibition shows the aesthetics of Japanese handicrafts that extend their roots over the centuries, and how Japanese craftsmen were able to mix the traditions and modernity to preserve their craft heritage while developing it in proportion to the modern era.

A group of Japanese craftsmen “Shawkunin”, who display their unique works that reflect the philosophy of handicrafts and the continuous development of these traditional arts.

The exhibition includes five main sections, each of which reflects a special concept in the development of the Japanese letter: Now, use, succession, change and transformation, and finally the flow.

The first section, which deals with the concept of “Now”, includes the “Camidy Chawon Gamma” exhibition, where it sheds light on the traditional porcelain that reflects the challenges facing handicrafts due to the spread of modern industrial products. As for the second section related to the concept of “use”, it includes the “Kanye Msogi” exhibition, which offers innovative works of manual metal tissue, and shows the compatibility of the traditional crafts with contemporary daily needs.

As for the concept of succession, it is embodied by the “Kay Kado” exhibition, which displays the manual tea boxes “Chazutsu”, which changes with time and acquires a unique color and shine, while developing its design to suit the requirements of modern life. In order to move to the concept of “change and transformation”, this section includes the “Nakagawa Mokogi” exhibition, which re -provides Japanese wooden basins “Ki Ki”, which was an essential part of Japanese life until previous decades, through advanced forms that fit with modern uses.

Finally, the “Ashay Yaki” exhibition reflects the concept of “flow”, which focuses on the development of the art of Japanese pottery for 400 years, by displaying pieces dedicated to preparing green tea “Macha”, such as the “Chawan” bowl and the jug “Hohen”.

The exhibition continues until March 28, 2025, and visitors can explore artworks at the official working hours of the museum, daily from 9 am to 3 pm (closed on Tuesday in the morning and open period in the evening), from 9 pm to 12 midnight, and from 9 pm to 1 after midnight on Thursday and Friday.



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