Home entertainment Teacher Muhammad Abdulaziz raises the results of Islamic education through multiple intelligences

Teacher Muhammad Abdulaziz raises the results of Islamic education through multiple intelligences


Professor Muhammad Abdulaziz Abdel -Hussein succeeded in developing the results of Islamic education by linking its lessons to the strategy of multiple intelligences.

The teacher at Al -Bilad Old Preparatory School for Boys referred to the lesson of “friendship” as a model for this method of teaching, as he turned it into a multi -dimensional artistic painting, and an exploratory trip for the concept of friendship through six creative paths, where students were divided into six groups, each of which dealt with this concept from the point of its intelligence.

He added that the students have turned into this lesson into creative representatives, as they embodied through the play “The friend is an indispensable treasure” the difference between the righteous friend and a bad friend, which made the values ​​to be strengthened embodied in a living and expressive scene, then they wrote letters in the classical Arabic language to their friends, reinforcing their ability to communicate and express, and then they made their throats with chants of friendship And organizers, as they drew mental maps that summarize the ideas of the lesson, which helped them deeply understand the topic and arrange its information in a logical way.

He continued: “Students were involved in fruitful discussions about the concept of friendship in Islam, and they exchanged views, reinforcing the skills of dialogue and social communication, then each of them wrote the name of his favorite friend and attributes, what their self -awareness and their awareness of the importance of human relations.”

This comes within the framework of the efforts of national cadres in government schools, to develop teaching and learning operations, under the supervision and support of the Ministry of Education.



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