Home news Supplications on the 14th of Ramadan.

Supplications on the 14th of Ramadan.


The blessed month of Ramadan is the month of mercy and forgiveness, where Muslims are keen to seize every moment in it by supplication, remembrance and approach to God and from among the days of the holy month, it comes on Friday, which is one of the greatest days with God, as an hour in which the supplication is not returned and one of the best deeds on this day is to pray on the Prophet ﷺ, God Almighty said in his dear book.

“God and His angels pray to the Prophet, O you who believe, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.” (Al -Ahzab: 56).

The second Friday prayer of Ramadan

On the second Friday of Ramadan, a Muslim is keen on supplication and supplication to God, and among the desirable supplications on this blessed day:

“Oh God, praise be to you, there is no god but you, the tenderness of the manna, the wonderful heavens and the earth, O Majesty and Honor, with your mercy, we seek help, fix our religion that is the infallibility of our command, and fix our world in which our pension, and fix our hereafter in which our hostility.”

“O Lord, on this blessed Friday, we ask you to bless us in the remainder of Ramadan, O God, make us among the deceased, and do not make us one of the deprived, O God, accept our fasting and resurrection, forgive us our sins and overcome our bad deeds.”

“Oh God, we seek refuge in you from worry, sadness, impotence, laziness, cowardice and miserliness, the dominance of religion and the oppression of men, O God, grant us persistence on your religion, and grant us what you love and accept, O honorable honor.”

The prayer of the fourteenth day of Ramadan 2025The prayer of the fourteenth day of Ramadan 2025
The prayer of the fourteenth day of Ramadan 2025

The virtue of supplication on Friday during Ramadan

The supplication on Friday during Ramadan is distinguished by a great position, as it combines the honor of time and the blessing of the holy month.

The best prayer times on Friday are:

  1. After afternoon to Morocco, where the hour of response is hoped.
  2. When prostrating in prayer, the Prophet ﷺ said: “The closest thing to the servant is from his Lord while he is prostrating, and they are more than supplication.”
  3. During breakfast, where the fasting person has an unanswered invitation.

Supplications and desirable dhikr in Ramadan

In addition to the prayer of the second Friday of Ramadan, a Muslim can repeat many dhikr and supplications that raise his degrees and increase his good deeds, including:

  • Oh God, make us in this month a share of your mercy, forgiveness, and freedom from the fire.
  • Oh God, forgive our sins, purify our hearts, and accept our deeds.
  • O Rahman of the world and the hereafter, make us acceptable in Ramadan, and honor us by reaching the Night of Power.

Why should we increase the supplication in Ramadan?

The Prophet ﷺ referred to the importance of seizing the virtuous seasons, where he said: “Your Lord in the days of your eternity is a whims, so you will be exposed to them, perhaps a whiff of them will be from them, so you will never be difficult after it.”

The supplication of the second Friday of Ramadan 2025 is a great opportunity for every Muslim who wants to draw closer to God and ask for his mercy and forgiveness.


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