Home news Steps How to register on residential support 1446 and the necessary conditions...

Steps How to register on residential support 1446 and the necessary conditions for merit


The support provided by a residential platform is one of the topics that occupy citizens inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to deserve support in the specified time, and a fixed date is determined by the beneficiaries of the support on a monthly basis, which prompted them to ask about that date, as this type of support was launched by the government in order to improve the livelihood of citizens and meet everything they need mainly, and in order to be able to deserve housing support you have to meet a set of conditions and you can register on it electronically with the steps that we will explain.

How to register on residential support 1446

In order for the beneficiaries of Saudi citizens to obtain support that is in the form of a monthly income, they must follow the steps of registration on the following support:

  • The citizen enters the site of the platform residential.
  • Then he must create a personal account with the necessary necessary data, which is his name, email and password.
  • He then moves to enter the platform through the account.
  • The support option must be determined from a residential platform.
  • You must enter all the data specified for you and then carry the documents for the registration that the site requests.
  • He will appear the conditions of the platform as well as the provisions of the accuracy and then approved it.
  • Then you have to apply for registration.

See also: How to register for the 2025 Tamhair program in the link and the most important conditions

Watch also: The Retirement Link to Residence for Expatriate Employees in Saudi Arabia 1446 … and the conditions for renewal

Conditions for registration on residential support 1446

A set of conditions that must be met in every registration would have to support that platform, and these conditions are determined to be in the following points:

  • The establishment of the citizen must be permanent in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • There is no property of the applicant’s own name.
  • The nationality of those who want to apply for support must be Saudi.
  • The individual does not deserve a pension from another place that is social.
  • The age of the individual has a minimum of twenty years and the maximum of forty -five years.

When is the residential support of March 2025

Because Eid Al -Fitr for this year is left for a few days, the beneficiaries of residential support are interested in knowing the official date in which the support will be paid, as the competent authority explained that the support will be spent on its scheduled date without any change that will be on March twentieth on March 2025 and the support will continue for a period of only two days.

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