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Steps and conditions for registration of i’tikaaf in the Grand Mosque 2025 with details and requirements


Saudi Arabia launched an official link to register I’tikaaf in the Grand MosqueWith the aim of facilitating the reservation process and ensuring a safe spiritual experience for the retreat, and i’tikaaf in this holy place is a distinctive opportunity for pure worship and closer to God, as it provides Muslims with an environment full of tranquility and spiritual calm in this article, we explain the steps of registration and the conditions to be followed to obtain the i’tikaaf permit, in addition to its most important benefits.

Steps to registration of i’tikaaf in the Grand Mosque

  1. Entrance to The official website dedicated to registration.
  2. Enter personal data (full name, ID number or residence).
  3. Determine the date of i’tikaaf within the available period.
  4. Complete the registration process and obtain confirmation via email or text message.

Conditions for registration of i’tikaaf in the Grand Mosque

Condition Clarification
The ability to adhere to Commitment to the instructions and procedures for i’tikaaf.
Pre -registration Registration via the allocated link before starting i’tikaaf.
Get permits Extracting an electronic permit from the Gate of the Grand Mosque.
Commitment to registration requirements Check the specific conditions from the competent authorities.

The benefits of i’tikaaf in the Grand Mosque

I’tikaaf in the Sacred Mosque is not just a worship, but an integrated spiritual experience that allows a Muslim to stay away from the concerns of the world and focus on approaching God from the most prominent benefits:

  1. Deepening the relationship with God provides i’tikaaf time for pure worship, reading the Qur’an, and prayer without dispersal.
  2. Strengthening religious understanding can seize time to study the hadiths and reflect on the meanings of the Qur’an.
  3. Communication with Muslims of various nationalities feels the retreat in belonging to the Islamic nation through its presence in the holiest places, with worshipers from all over the world.
  4. Psychological comfort and tranquility the spiritual atmosphere in the Sacred Mosque enhances the inner serenity, which reflects positively on faith and daily life after i’tikaaf.

Saudi Arabia provides a unique opportunity for Muslims through an easy electronic system to record i’tikaaf in the Sacred Mosque with the availability of simple steps and clear conditions. Access to this lofty spiritual experience becomes easier than ever. Do not miss the opportunity to i’tikaaf in the holiest parts of the earth, as it enhances your relationship with God and renews your faith in an inspiring atmosphere and full of reassurance.


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