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Smuggling oil and manipulating documents … Iran’s strategy to counter sanctions!


In light of the international sanctions imposed on the Iranian oil sector, Tehran resorted to illegal ways to continue exporting oil. According to a Reuters report, Iran is taking advantage of gaps in the regulatory regulations to export oil in informal ways, allowing it to circumvent the economic restrictions imposed on them.

The trick of changing flags and hiding identity

According to an investigation conducted by “Reuters”, Iran relies on tankers carrying flags of other countries such as Panama, Marshall Islands and even some African countries, making it easier for them to hide the identity of shipments. These ships are also registered with unrealistic names, which complicates the process of international tracking and control, and gives Iran the ability to overcome the regulatory measures that prevent them from selling oil in global markets.

Transfer oil at sea

According to a Reuters report, Iran is resorting to oil transfers from one ship to another in international waters, where tankers are changed away from the official ports. These operations make it difficult to determine the real source of oil, which allows it to be sold in global markets as if it is coming from other countries, which increases the complexity of efforts to track unlawful Iranian exports.

Falsify documents and fraud on the markets

According to the statements of the Iraqi Oil Minister, the Iranian oil shipping documents are falsified, as it is claimed that it comes from countries like Iraq, which gives legitimacy to these shipments. These practices not only circumvent the sanctions, but also affect the stability of the markets and weaken the credibility of international trade.

The exploitation of Iraq as transit points

According to an investigation published by the “Independent Arab”, Iran is taking advantage of some countries as rules to pass its smuggled oil. Iraq is used as an outlet for the export of Iranian oil via southern ports. These practices raise questions.

Economic and political consequences

Oil smuggling is not limited to overcoming sanctions, but threatens the stability of energy markets. According to economic analysts, these operations lead to unorganized financial flows, which affects the regional economy and increases international tensions on oil trade. Also, these funds are used to finance controversial policies, adding more complexity to the political scene in the region.

a summary

Iranian oil smuggling still represents a major challenge for the international community, as Tehran depends on advanced strategies to overcome sanctions and continue to export its oil illegally. As these operations continue, the need to enhance the mechanisms of control and international cooperation to detect these activities and prevent their negative repercussions on markets and regional stability.



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