The month of Ramadan is the month of blessings, mercy and forgiveness, so it is a golden opportunity to achieve piety and organize life better and despite that, many people may fall into the trap of wasting time during this blessed month, whether because of the wrong habits or not good planning, and here are steps that help you prevent the waste of time in Ramadan until we benefit from it as much as possible.
Define spiritual and practical goals you want to achieve during Ramadan. These goals may include reading the Qur’an, charity, improving social relations, or even developing personal skills, and dividing these goals into daily or weekly tasks to facilitate their implementation.
Time organization
Try to use a schedule to determine the times of prayer, work, comfort, and acts of worship, you can also use time management applications to track your daily activities, and allocate a specific time for worship such as reading the Qur’an, supplication, and thinking, so as not to interfere with your other responsibilities.
Avoid procrastination
Procrastination is the first enemy to take advantage of time, so you should avoid postponing spiritual or practical tasks on the pretext that you will do it later, and start the important tasks first, such as praying at the time and reading the Qur’an after dawn or before Morocco.
Reducing the use of phones and social media
Many people spend long hours browsing phones or social media without interest, so try to determine a certain time for these activities and avoid excessive them, and replace the lost time in browsing with useful activities such as reading religious books or listening to faith lectures.
Take advantage of waiting times
There are times that may be lost without feeling, such as waiting times in transportation or before breakfast, so try to use these times in the male, supplication, or even plan for your day, and you can also listen to the Qur’an or religious lectures during these times.
Regular sleep
Sufficient sleep helps to focus and increase productivity, so try to organize your sleep time so that you get enough rest without excessive, and avoid long staying up that may affect your performance during the day.
Focus on collective worship
Participation in collective acts of worship such as Tarawih prayer or collective breakfast enhances the collective spirit and reduces the waste of time in individual unproductive activities, and tried to be part of a faith society that supports you in achieving your spiritual goals.
Think about the value of time
Always remember that time is the human capital in this world, and that it will not return again, and try to feel the value of every moment in Ramadan and make it an opportunity to draw closer to God.
Follow the words of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace: “Take five before five” your life before your death, your health before your sickness, your emptiness before your work, and your youth before your pyramid, and we are before your poverty. ”
Daily evaluation
At the end of each day, evaluate how you spent your time and asking yourself, “Have you fulfilled my daily goals? Have you missed time in unusual matters?”, This evaluation helps you improve your daily performance and avoid errors in the coming days.
Using God
Use God in every step and ask him to help you better exploit your time and bless you during the days of Ramadan and his nights.