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Shorion: Organizing the licensing of fishermen and hunting controls is a big shift in the Kingdom’s efforts to achieve environmental sustainability and food security


A number of members of the Shura Council affirmed that the recent decision of the Supreme Council for the Environment regarding the organization of the “Bahraini fisherman” license and setting controls for hunting, representing a major shift in addition to the efforts of the Kingdom of Bahrain in achieving environmental sustainability, especially as they contribute in a balanced manner to preserving marine resources on the one hand, and providing the control system on the fishing sector with criteria and controls that ensure the preservation of fish wealth on the other hand.

They pointed out that these decisions come in implementation of the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the king of the country, may God protect and preserve him, to make controls for the development of fish wealth and its protection and the development of measures that would preserve the fish wealth as one of the important resources for citizens, and in support of the government’s efforts headed Navy, and supplied food security in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

They added in exclusive statements to the Bahrain News Agency “BNA” that these decisions come in a decisive time to protect marine wealth from overfishing, as the violations and lack of commitment to legal controls caused the deterioration of the marine environment.

In this context, Dr. Jamila Mohamed Reda Al -Salman, Chairman of the Services Committee in the Shura Council, expressed her welcome to the issuance of the decision to organize the Bahraini fisherman’s license to practice commercial marine fishing, in addition to the decision of fishing controls using window, skewers, prohibitions and fishing thread On the fish stock and reduce random practices that negatively affect the marine environment.

She added that these measures will not only contribute to the protection of marine wealth, but also enhance the opportunities and empowerment of citizens in this vital sector, which contributes to improving the standard of living and supporting the national economy, stressing the importance of cooperation between the legislative and executive authorities to ensure the implementation of decisions with high professionalism and efficiency, which contributes to enhancing the environmental balance and reflects our commitment to all of maintaining our maritime environment.

For his part, Ali Abdullah Al -Aradi, a member of the Shura Council, praised the issuance of the two decisions, who come in implementation of the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the king of the country, to make controls for the development of fish wealth and its protection and the development of measures that would preserve the fish wealth as one of the important resources for citizens, and in support of the government’s efforts headed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince The ministers, may God protect him, to preserve marine wealth and provide food security in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

He indicated that applying the conditions for a Bahraini hunter on the back of fishing vessels, legalizing the number of employment and preventing overfishing with unlicensed tools that are forbidden to fish, will reduce harmful practices that threaten fish stock and harm the environment and marine wealth, one of the most important important natural resources in the food security system that must be preserved, pointing out that achieving this will ensure the continuity of fish resources and their sustainability for future generations, and will achieve goals Sustainable development.

He said that the commitment in the application of the decisions regulating the fishing process is a obligatory national responsibility in a vital and important sector, especially since preserving the fish stocks and achieving the goals aimed at protecting marine resources, and enhancing their sustainability is a shared responsibility between fishermen and organized and controlled bodies, and that achieving this will enhance the role of fish wealth as an economic tributary and an important food source.

In addition, Sheikh Adel Abdul Rahman Al -Ma’wada, a member of the Shura Council, explained that the requirement of the presence of the Bahraini fisherman in the fishing profession will have a major role in ensuring respect for laws and commitment to fishing practices that do not harm the marine environment, noting that the new decisions aim to protect the marine environment from irresponsible behavior, and that the presence of the Bahraini fisherman will contribute to preventing these harmful behaviors, and will enhance the ability to manage fish wealth in a way better.

He stressed that protecting the marine environment is a shared responsibility between fishermen and society, and that the decision makes them partners in preserving the marine environment, which is their source of livelihood and a basic supplier for future generations, adding that improving the marine environment will benefit everyone, as this will be reflected in the abundance and quality of fish, and thus will contribute to the stability of prices for marine products in the local market.

In turn, Mrs. Dalal Al -Zayed, a member of the Shura Council, stressed that taking executive and legislative measures to preserve fish wealth and ensure food security comes in implementation of the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the king of the country, may God protect and preserve him, to ensure the sustainability of marine resources and achieve national returns for citizens.

She pointed out that these legislation comes within the framework of encouraging the fishing profession, which is part of the identity of Bahrain, its customs and its authentic traditions, adding that these steps contribute to organizing the work in the fishing profession and introducing citizens to it, and stopping the violating practices that endanger the marine environment.

For her part, Dr. Ibtisam Mohamed Al -Dalal, a member of the Shura Council, affirmed that the organization of the licensing of fishermen and hunting controls would preserve marine resources by imposing controls on the use of windows and signers, which contributes to protecting marine species from excessive fishing, preserving environmental balance and sustaining the fish stock in addition to protecting many types of extinction.

She added that the decisions to organize fishing will contribute to achieving justice between fishermen by organizing competition and preventing unfair fishing practices, and improving the quality of fish production by reducing random fishing and improving the quality of marine resources offered in local and international markets.

She emphasized that this organization supports sustainable economic development by maintaining the sustainability of the fishing industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which enhances the growth of the blue local economy, and encourages investment in marine tourism, which in turn will represent an opportunity to develop environmental tourism.

In turn.

He stressed that this step will also contribute to improving the quality of marine products in the local market by providing legal and sustainable fishing sources, in addition to strengthening Bahraini fish, and opening the way for investments in the fishing sector.



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