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Save your life .. Learn about the warning signs of a heart attack


The heart attack is an emergency medical conditions that occur as a result of blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle, often due to the narrowness or blockage of the coronary arteries, and although the heart attack may occur suddenly, there are some warning symptoms that may precede it for hours or even days, which gives the person an opportunity to take the necessary medical measures and reduce their risks.

Chest pain or discomfort

The feeling of pain or pressure in the chest is one of the most common signs before the heart attack, where the person feels very discomfort or a feeling of weight in the middle of the chest or left side, and the pain may be intermittent or continuous, as it can extend to the arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach, and if this feeling continues for more than a few minutes, it may be a strong indication of the proximity of the seizure.

Narrowing breath and feeling suffocating

Narrowing of breath can appear as an early symptom before a heart attack, even without chest pain, as a person feels difficult to breathe as if the air does not reach enough to the lungs, and this may happen during rest or when making a simple effort, and this offer is more common in women and the elderly.

Unjustified fatigue and fatigue

Feeling of severe stress or unusual fatigue may be an important warning sign, as the person feels extreme fatigue after making a simple effort such as climbing stairs or walking for a short distance, and this is due to the weakness of blood flow to the heart and not obtaining adequate oxygen, which affects his energy and functional performance.

Cold sweating and dizziness

Feeling of sudden cold sweating without a clear reason may be a sign of the approaching of a heart attack, especially if it is accompanied by dizziness or sudden dizziness, as low blood flow to the brain leads to a feeling of imbalance or a sense of fainting, which calls for immediate attention and emergency.

Nausea and indigestion

Although the problems of the digestive system are not always linked to heart attacks, some may feel nausea, vomiting or indigestion before the seizure occurs, and this symptom is more common in women than men, and it may be accompanied by pain in the upper part of the abdomen.

Endowment heartbeat

A person may feel an abnormal palpitator or a sudden acceleration of the heartbeat, which is an indication of a problem in blood flow to the heart, and in some cases, irregular heartbeat may be accompanied by dizziness or a feeling of weakness, which requires attention and presenting the doctor immediately.



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