Basma Abdullah Mohammed
How do we deal with toxic and negative people in our lives?
We deal with many people in our daily life, some of whom are in the circle of those close to the family or the family, with whom we have the relationship of kinship and blood, and our relationship with them is almost imposed on us, and it is not possible to distort that relationship by cutting it or offending it in any way because of the disintegration, pieces of the wombs, a sense of psychological pain and the emotional estrangement of all parties.
Not to mention that this matter is forbidden by our true religion, which urges us to the relationship of the wombs and respect for the relatives of the kin.
And some of them are far from us and there is no connection between us and a relationship between us and kinship, but we bring us daily social life like friends, colleagues, neighbors and others who fall within this circle in our lives, and religion, custom and morals are respected by them and dealing with them with good.
Among these two categories if you see you and spoke with him, you rest for yourself, smile your gap, and reassure your heart, resort to it in your need, so you see you help you and reduce the weight of life and its bitterness like the conditioner heals wounds, and this type has no problem with him, but it is a blessing from the Creator and as a gift of heaven, we should thank God for it, this is the first type of person. As for the second type, they are the sinful people, those who are mortgaged in our lives, relatives or not, are annoying, who cause us pain and distress with their behavior and their sayings whenever we deal with them, we do not recognize their stings, yet they still deserve love and be part of our lives, often these people did not get those who love them as they should, or deal with them as they should, and therefore they do not like as they do not like.
When we allow these people to stay in our lives, and we deal with them with love and kindness that may make them less harmful, and we may play an important role in their treatment, but we must be careful and rational in dealing with them, how is that? By setting boundaries and health barriers in our dealings and our conversation with them, we guarantee that the harm and psychological pain that disturbs our lives and spoils our moods because of them, and at the same time keeping them in a way that ensures the continuation of the relationship in a healthy way for the two parties.
As for the third type of relationships, they are useless relationships or fruits, and I mean by that they are the poisonous people who are mortgaged in our lives, who do not respect the limits and privacy of others, they are stranded, in nature of nature and do not wish the good for others, these people do not benefit the setting of barriers and limits with them, but rather their removal from the circle of our lives as much as possible, so that they do not drain our energy and waste our time.
Have you been able to determine the quality of people in your life? And how to set borders for those who contribute to providing you with a thick negative energy, and knowing who contributes to your construction and provides you with vitality and makes you feel positive.