After the spread of Chinese companies in Bahrain and the presence of a good number of investors and workers, a disturbing phenomenon for dealers with banks from these investors has emerged in the inability of employees to distinguish between the signature in the original Chinese and fake language, as well as ensuring the validity of the account holder as Chinese names begin from the name of the family or the father.
Lawyer Mohamed Salah El -Din, who specialized in work for Chinese companies; Due to his knowledge of the Chinese language and his relations with that nationality, where he takes many judicial disputes and demands between Chinese companies and their counterparts in Bahrain, he explained that bank employees in Bahrain find it difficult to distinguish the Chinese signature, and in return, Chinese customers face difficulty in dealing with local banks.
He pointed out that an incident occurred in one of the banks, where the company’s employee had previously withdrawn sums by falsifying the signature of a Chinese director, while the bank employee was to sign a fee like this 您好请留言,感谢.
He also made it clear that the names in the Chinese language read differently from what is customary for Arabic or English, for example a person called Li Yang, he usually writes in official Yang Li transactions, because the Chinese people offer the title on the name, which is what bank employees consider a name for a different person, and the transaction is rejected, and the pronunciation of the word differs from its writing.
Salah added: “The problem of pronunciation with commercial and other transactions is a big problem, especially when it is written in English, and when writing Chinese words with Latin letters, the word differs. For example, when writing Zhong 中, Jong is uttered while the Arabs and the public read it” Zhunak “, which is wrong.