Prepared by: Dr. Iman Matar
There is no doubt that fasting plays an important role in treating or alleviating many diseases and does not move away from us much from rheumatism diseases. Several studies have shown that fasting is useful in many cases of rheumatism diseases, as it limits these pain, the most important of which is the articulated rheumatism that causes pain in the lower back, thigh, knee or what is known as joint pain.
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is a golden opportunity to purify the body from the implications that are attached to it, provided that a healthy and healthy system is followed in eating breakfast and suhoor, and rheumatism patients do not go out of this rule, as fasting contributes to preventing the deposit of harmful substances in the vicinity of the joints; Because the accumulation of these substances is the main cause of these pain, and fasting leads to an increase in the concentration of endorphins in the blood, which is known in its effective role in relieving pain, which improves the patient’s condition and leads to decrease in joint pain.
This is in addition to the performance of acts of worship and religious rituals in Ramadan represents motor exercises, maintains the ductility of the joints and reduces the stabilization resulting from the lack of movement and the patient’s activity, and fasting is also an opportunity to lose weight or control it to reduce pressure on the joints of the body, with the need to walk daily or perform some light exercises from 30 minutes to an hour before breakfast, knowing that the best time to practice physical activity is what precedes breakfast To consume the energy stored in the accumulated fat in the body, in movement a blessing in the month of goodness and blessing.
Also, the holy month of Ramadan is an opportunity to reunite families on breakfast tables, so you should be careful of the conditions or movements that put more pressure on the joints or stay in one position for a long time, such as the housewives’ stand for long hours on a daily basis in the kitchen while preparing the breakfast trip, which causes real health risks and affects the health of the bone and muscles and increases the possibility of developing the pain of the joints, especially the joints of the joints, especially the joints The knees, back and feet are in addition to varicose veins, because the blood is unable to return again to the heart and gather inside the blood veins in the legs.
Among the wrong beliefs and incorrect and most common practices in some fasting people are to reduce movement and sleep for long hours to avoid thirst, hunger and fatigue and not drinking enough water after breakfast and at suhoor and eating foods saturated with fats and sugars and staying up late at night and changing the dates and number of hours of sleep during the holy month, which leads to the body’s infection and fatigue; Thus, it reflects negatively on the health of their bodies, and causes them chronic pain over time.
Another important thing during the blessed month of Ramadan is the need to avoid psychological stress and nervous pressure. There is no doubt that fasting the month of Ramadan carries many positive aspects and psychological comfort for those who benefit from it. And blessed the holy month.
* PhD in Physiotherapy – Member of the Friends of Health Association