Monday 10/Mar/2025 – 11:33 AM
Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of the House of Representatives, inaugurated the work and activities of the plenary session of the House of Representatives, and in accordance with the general session of the session, the Council will complete during its public session today to discuss the report of the Joint Committee from the Manpower Committee, and the office of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committees, the plan and the budget on a draft law submitted by the government to issue the Labor Law.
On Sunday, the plenary session of the Council witnessed the resolution of the controversy over the value of the annual bonus, at a rate of no less than 3 % of the insurance wage.
Jabali inaugurates the public representatives session in preparation for the resumption of discussions of the new labor law
And the session witnessed calls by deputies to increase the minimum periodic allowance for private sector workers, to be 7% instead of 3%, which is mentioned in the labor law.
For his part, MP Abdel Hadi Al -Qasabi, Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission of the Future of the Nation Party in the House of Representatives, asked whether the bonus was from the basic wage or insurance wage.
Article 12 of the Labor Law states: The workers who apply to the provisions of this law deserve a periodic annual allowance on the date of its entitlement not less than (3%) of the insurance wage, and that allowance is entitled to the expiration of a year from the date of the appointment, or from the date of the due period of the previous periodic allowance.