Home entertainment “Representatives Services”: 3 days vacation for the worker if it is provided...

“Representatives Services”: 3 days vacation for the worker if it is provided with a newborn


The Parliamentary Services Committee approved the proposal of the “amended form” law regarding the amendment of Article (63) of the Labor Law in the private sector issued by Law No. (36) of 2012, and it includes amending the period of the paid leave scheduled for the worker if a child was born to it for three days instead of one day. And the Free Union of the proposed Bahrain Trade Unions.

The proposal comes because the worker is the head of the family in charge and primarily responsible for meeting the needs and completing the procedures of the newborn and accompanying the wife, especially during the first three days of the situation process, and thus aims to send the wife’s reassurance to the presence of the head of the family to help her and her newborn.



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