Home entertainment “Representatives” approved 10 proposals with a desire

“Representatives” approved 10 proposals with a desire


The House of Representatives approved 10 proposals yesterday, which is the proposal with a desire to open service ministries in the morning and evening periods, and the proposal with a desire for the Ministry of Industry and Trade to improve transparency by amending the registration system to allow the public to download the search reports for commercial records, and the proposal with a desire to cancel some of the conditions imposed on the citizen who holds the registry for his entitlement to the cost allowance, due to the failure to represent some conditions To enter the real citizen.

The proposal also acknowledged a desire to establish a center for senior citizens in the Wadi Al -Sail region in the southern governorate, and the proposal with a desire for the government to reschedule housing loans, “housing units premiums for retirees”, so that the deduction rate does not exceed 10% of the retirement salary.

The council also approved the proposal with a desire to allocate a port for fishermen at the coast of diving between the two bridges of Sheikh Hamad bin Isa and Sheikh Isa bin Salman, and at the fourth bridge that will link Muharraq and Manama, to the people of the first district in Muharraq Governorate and those close to it, and the proposal with a desire to amend the organizational requirements for reconstruction “related to the apostasy, and the percentage of construction”, in order to expand the construction in the villas In the Saraya Sanad area, 815 complex.

The proposal also acknowledged a desire to establish a comprehensive qualification and development project for the farmer street from Al -Jasra area to the Damistan region, the proposal with a desire to drop electricity and water dues and municipal fees upon death, and the proposal for a desire for the government to make a periodic study every 4 years of the required specializations in the labor market in the public and private sectors.



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