Home entertainment Red will leave to Tokyo through (two batches) .. and he will...

Red will leave to Tokyo through (two batches) .. and he will train there 6 times


Hussein Al -Darazi

It was decided that the mission of our first national football team will leave to the Japanese capital, Tokyo, in two batches, in order to meet the Japanese team on the twentieth of March in the seventh round of the third group in the final Asian qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup, due to aviation conditions and other considerations.

The departure of the first batch through Etihad Airways will be at 5:45 pm on Wednesday, March 12, passing through the Emirati capital Abu Dhabi (transit), all the way to Tokyo on a trip that will take a total of 12 and a half hours, as arrival at (Narita) airport in Tokyo will be at twelve and a half of Thursday afternoon Japan time, while the second and official mission will leave Bahrain at fifty -three minutes of Thursday dawn via Emirates Air through Dubai and will arrive at an airport (Hanida) in Tokyo at ten thirty in the evening on the same day of departure, and the Bahraini mission will be held at the Hilton Hotel, which is away from the Saitama Stadium, which will host the match for nearly 35 minutes.

Al -Ahmar in Tokyo will take training from March 14 to 19, with the last training be only at the match stadium.

On the second day of the meeting, specifically on March 21, the mission will leave Tokyo heading to the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, on a direct trip that will take 8 hours of continuous, and our team will train there on March 22, 23 and 24, with the Indonesian team meet March 25 in the eighth round, and the stay in the Langham Jakarta Hotel, which is away from the Gilura stadium, which will host the match only 10 minutes.



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