Sunday 16/Mar/2025 – 07:12 AM
The General Authority for Culture Palaces, headed by Major General Khaled Al -Laban, continues the activities of Ramadan’s cultural and artistic nights in the Minya Culture Palace, within the framework of the Ministry of Culture’s programs to celebrate the holy month, as the fifth day of events witnessed a varied creative atmosphere that brought together religious chants and musical arts.
The events were held under the supervision of the writer Mohamed Nassef, Vice -President of the Authority, and implemented by the central Upper Egypt region, under the supervision of Gamal Abdel Nasser, Director General of the region, in the presence of Rehab Tawfiq, Director General of the Minya Culture Branch.
The events began with the playing of national peace, followed by the presentation of a bouquet of religious prayers and slides in the voice of the cheerful Sheikh Zain Abdul Badi, in songs from which they prayed on the Prophet and the moon of our master, the Prophet, amid a great interaction from the attendees.
The ceremony witnessed an artistic presentation of the Minya Children’s Coral Band, led by Maestro Issam Al -Shazly, where the children presented a set of distinguished songs that received the approval of the audience, including: the heart loves, the house of splendor, as it is her love, tell you, Shahrazad, Rayha, where are you, visit our master, in addition to lyric reviews such as: We are all Simine and Ramadan Karim.
The events come within a huge program prepared by the General Authority for Culture Palaces, which includes more than 1640 major cultural and artistic events in 11 major sites in Cairo and regions, in addition to more than 3000 other activities distributed on various cultural sites, in the context of celebrating the Ramadan atmosphere and spreading joy and culture among the public.