Home entertainment Our warm feelings Al Watan newspaper

Our warm feelings Al Watan newspaper


* When we talk about warm feelings, we are talking about the feelings of the daily life that we live in, and those moments in which we exchange feelings, and we feel the value of the things that we enjoy in our lives. Warm feelings are those that we live with our loved ones, our friends, our deeds and our lives, so we appreciate the value of the “humanity” that we enjoy, and we appreciate the good that we offer to others, and we care about the whole at the expense of the part, so we care about the beauty of the image, its positive, tenderness and impact on our feelings, and in return we do not give attention to that small point that the artist forgot to put his colors in it.

It does not affect our outlook as long as our view is comprehensive of the meanings of positivity, gives the true warmth of everyone who meets it, appreciate the efforts of others, and look at change as a ray of hope and positivity, and looks at the beauty of the universe as an integral part of our vital smile, the beauty of our souls, and our happiness. They are the feelings that we must exchange with love, longing and gratitude, not that we hunt small defects at the expense of the true beauty of achievement, exchange love with love, and praise the achievement, and communicate with feelings that make the other party feel what you feel, and feels that someone knows that he is going in the right direction. They are feelings that enhance love, increase the meanings of trust, and give way to success, achievement and advancement in the runways of goodness.

* The creative director «Ahmed Al -Sheikh», I knew for years on more than one occasion, the most important of which is the “Tamm” program with its three parts, which aimed to highlight the culture of giving among the people of society, and I had the opportunity to work with him in preparing, and the work was fun to the extreme, especially the actual presence among people when filming these episodes. I still remember the episode of “Cleaning Workers”, which was already a beautiful message to society, the sensing of the blessings that we live, and the feelings that those who were deprived of the feelings of (the family) live. My experience in “Tam” with Brother Ahmed Al -Sheikh was a wealthy and wonderful experience, and one of the beautiful stations that I still remember and still echo in myself. Brother Ahmed Al -Sheikh was not satisfied with that, but rather moved to work with a new thought and work through the (KFO) program, which highlighted the giving national figures in its fields, and this program moved in its rich version to shed light on success stories from the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the impact of the program extended to be implemented in the sisterly state of Kuwait this year, and the program reviewed influential success stories from the sister sons of Kuwait, broadcasts messages of good and giving, and give messages of hope for society, And motivate young people to be the role models of good, giving and impact on their homelands. We need such beautiful ideas, ideas (Tam) and (Kfu), which deliver good messages to society, broadcast the spirit of positive giving, and make us feel all the blessings that are in our hands.

* In my daily speech at the Mosque of Faith in the case of Boumahir, in which I used to speak with daily thoughts after the afternoon prayer throughout the holy month, I reviewed in these days the talk about the virtues of the mosque within the series of the blessed month of Ramadan lessons prepared by the Department of Mosques and Religious Guidance in the Department of Sunni Endowments. In fact, whoever reads some hadiths regarding the virtues of the mosque, sees himself as limited to the right of the Holy Mighty, and it is sufficient to know that the mosques are the homes of the righteous, when it was reported from Abu al -Dardaa, may God be pleased with him, that he said: “Let the mosques be your house; For I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saying: “The mosque is a house of every pious, and God guarantees those who were the mosque with his house with spirit and mercy, and it is permissible on the path, to the pleasure of God to heaven.” Jamila is these moments that we spend in a house of God Almighty, in which we study the Book of God Almighty, and we study good, and meet the pioneers of the mosque, and the hearts are composed, and compassion and solidarity prevail among all. How beautiful mosques, and what is the most beautiful in Ramadan in particular.

* The last ten days of Ramadan began, and the “numerous days” went quickly, so that each of us is keen to despair with the beloved Mustafa, peace and blessings of God be upon him, who was finding and striving in the last ten days that he did not strive in others, and he had to pray and peace if I entered the last ten times his apron, revived his night, and awakened his family. So, from our palace in the past of Ramadan, we will accelerate the steps to invest the times of the last ten days of this holy month, so that we may realize in it the virtue of the night of the Night of Power, so whoever rises the Night of Power in faith and in anticipation of his forgiveness of his sins, as was told by the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

It is an opportunity to be close to God Almighty, a lot of obedience, devotion to worship, and leave the margins of the world, as they are beautiful days, in which good deeds, blessings and angels go down, and in which he is emancipated by fire, everyone works for his rank in the paradise.

A flash of hope

Oh God, kindness in the conditions of our people in Gaza, the sermons and the greatness of the anguish have intensified them, and we ask you, O Lord, to raise the calamity from them, and to reassure them and steadfastness, and be patient with what they are in it.



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