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Nashwa Mustafa: I slept in the grave of my husband before I bury him to reassure him


Friday 28/Mar/2025 – 01:27 AM

The artist Nashwa Mustafa talked about the details of the death of her late husband during her hosting in the program of the words of our Lord, as she revealed her feelings and the events of the last moments before his death.

Nashwa Mustafa: I slept in the grave of my husband before I bury him to reassure him

Nashwa Mustafa made it clear that the doctors were in amazement due to the stability of her husband’s health condition, despite hepatitis, noting that he was not suffering from the usual symptoms of this disease.

Nashwa Mustafa added that her husband was not aware of the truth of his health, and she said: I did not want to tell him so that his psyche was not affected, and the artist regained the details of the decisive moment that preceded his death.

Nashwa Mustafa said that her husband complained one day of feeling dizzy and asked to lie down, then after a short period he woke up suffering from sharp vomiting, and despite their attempts to transfer him to the hospital, they were unable to arrive at the appropriate time.

On the last thing he said before his death, she said: The last thing that my husband uttered was: Lord, he said twice, then he lost his awareness.

Nashwa Mustafa continued: When he woke up for a short moment, they found him receiving the qiblah with a smile, before he left life in my hands.


Nashwa also revealed an impressive spiritual experience that she went through, as she said: The cemetery came down and slept in his place so that I could see what he feels, and she continued: When I got off, I smelled a strong musk.

Nashwa Mustafa indicated that during her standing in the cemetery, she felt that she was in a large and large place, which added a spiritual dimension influencing her speech.



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