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Mohamed Ramadan guides a cleaning worker 100 thousand pounds and a child 50 thousand in his Ramadan cannon program


The fourth episode of the Ramadan cannon program, presented by the artist Mohamed Ramadan, was shown on the DMC channel immediately after the Maghrib call to prayer.

Muhammad Ramadan handed over in the first paragraph a cleaning worker 100 thousand pounds, to express his happiness and say to Ramadan: Our whole lives are black and white, the day is white and the night is black, and we do not know we live without white and we do not know we see without the black Nin, and the sidewalk is white and black, and I decided that the first one will see it standing on the black.

Mohamed Ramadan guides a cleaning worker 100 thousand pounds in the Ramadan cannon program
Mohamed Ramadan guides a cleaning worker 100 thousand pounds in the Ramadan cannon program
Mohamed Ramadan guides a cleaning worker 100 thousand pounds in the Ramadan cannon program
Mohamed Ramadan guides a cleaning worker 100 thousand pounds in the Ramadan cannon program
Mohamed Ramadan guides a cleaning worker 100 thousand pounds in the Ramadan cannon program
Mohamed Ramadan guides a cleaning worker 100 thousand pounds in the Ramadan cannon program
Mohamed Ramadan guides a cleaning worker 100 thousand pounds in the Ramadan cannon program
Mohamed Ramadan guides a cleaning worker 100 thousand pounds in the Ramadan cannon program

Muhammad Ramadan also handed over a child 50 thousand pounds, amid a great joy, as Muhammad Ramadan asked the child about his wish to respond to the child, saying: Myself remains the richness of your uniform .. to deliver Ramadan the financial prize and comment: You will remain better than me .. I will work for you a small project because you are a man and work from you and you are young ..

Muhammad Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his program Ramadan cannon: Bean and proud of him
Mohamed Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his Ramadan cannon program: Bean and proud of him
Muhammad Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his program Ramadan cannon: Bean and proud of him
Mohamed Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his Ramadan cannon program: Bean and proud of him
Muhammad Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his program Ramadan cannon: Bean and proud of him
Mohamed Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his Ramadan cannon program: Bean and proud of him
Muhammad Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his program Ramadan cannon: Bean and proud of him
Mohamed Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his Ramadan cannon program: Bean and proud of him
Muhammad Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his program Ramadan cannon: Bean and proud of him
Mohamed Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his Ramadan cannon program: Bean and proud of him
Muhammad Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his program Ramadan cannon: Bean and proud of him
Mohamed Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his Ramadan cannon program: Bean and proud of him
Muhammad Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his program Ramadan cannon: Bean and proud of him
Mohamed Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his Ramadan cannon program: Bean and proud of him
Muhammad Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his program Ramadan cannon: Bean and proud of him
Mohamed Ramadan guides a small 50 thousand pounds in his Ramadan cannon program: Bean and proud of him

Muhammad Ramadan, a dream of a citizen from Aswan, was a visit to visit the Sacred House of God, saying: The pilgrim, who is known to God, Ahmed Abu Al -Sayyid Muhammad, visited the Sacred House of God.



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