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Minutes may save your child’s life .. What are you doing if suffocated?


Sufficiency is one of the most common home accidents that children are exposed to, especially in their early years, due to their natural curiosity and their lack of awareness. Children may put small bodies in their mouths, which exposes them to the risk of suffocation, so it is necessary that you are ready and familiar with how to act in such emergency situations, and in this report, we will give you practical steps to save your child from Sufficiency.

Reasons for the common suffocation in children

Putting small objects in the mouth such as coins, small games, or cutting food.

Eating quickly or without chewing good.

Play while eating.

Inhalation of strange bodies such as parts of balloons or pens.

Signs of suffocation

Before behaving, make sure that your child suffers from suffocation and not just an ordinary cough, and here are the signs:

Inability to cry or speak.

Difficulty breathing or whistling sound.

The color of the face changes to blue or red.

Loss of awareness in severe cases.

Steps to save the child from suffocation

If the child is aware of infants (less than a year):

Roads on the back:

Put the child on your arm so that his face is down and his head is low from his chest.

Use the palm of your hand to the roads gently between its shoulders 5 times.

Casting on the chest:

If the exotic body does not come out, turn the child over his back and press two fingers on the middle of his chest 5 times.

Repeat the steps until the strange body comes out or the child loses consciousness.

Children of the year:

Roads on the back:

Make the child bend a little forward.

Gently tighten his shoulders 5 times.

Hemlik (pressure on the abdomen):

Stand behind the child and put your arms around his waist.

Make a fist with one hand and put it directly above its bed.

Use the other hand to pressure the abdomen strongly inward and up 5 times.

Repeat the steps until the strange body comes out.

If the child loses consciousness:

Call the ambulance immediately or ask another person to call.

Start the cardiac resuscitation:

Put the child on his back on a solid surface.

Tilt his head back and lift the chin to open the airway.

If the strange body is visible, try to remove it with your finger with caution.

If not visible, do not try to insert your fingers into the child’s mouth.

Start by pressing the chest 30 presses, then artificial breathing (two souls).

Continue until medical assistance arrives.

Tips to prevent suffocation

Avoid dangerous foods such as whole grapes, nuts, solid sweets, and popcorn for children under 4 years of age.

Cut the food into small pieces, especially circular or solid foods.

Watch your child while eating and do not allow him to eat while playing or moving.

Keep the small objects away such as coins, buttons, and small games.

Learn first aid and be always ready to deal with emergency situations.

When do you ask for medical help?

If you can’t get out of the strange body.

If the child loses consciousness.

If the child continues to cough or difficulty breathing after taking out the body.



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