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Minister of Finance: a pioneering role for Bahrain in cryptocurrencies and their legal frameworks


The Minister of Finance and National Economy, Sheikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, stressed that the legislative framework of the Central Bank of Bahrain allows it to renew regulations to keep pace with developments in a way that makes Bahrain a center for financial developments, indicating that Bahrain has a pioneering role regarding encrypted currencies and the development of legal frameworks for them. He said in his response to the question of Representative Hisham Al -Ashairi that: the Kingdom of Bahrain is a pioneer in this field, the banking and financial sector is the largest sector The economy, and Bahrain is one of the few countries that have systems for cryptocurrencies, and any investment with risks, the investor must be aware of it, and this is a new field, and there are additional risks related to information security, and the legislative frameworks give the Terminism, and the people know that the licensee is control, and if we do not deny the existence of risks with him, but his position is better than those who arrive from abroad, noting that the digital dinar is an example of encrypted currencies, But it is linked to the dinar. As for the encrypted currency, it is not related to something. In his response to another question by MP Lulwa Al -Rumaihi regarding the Gulf currency, the minister said that: it is worked on at a Gulf level, and a number of initiatives have been adopted, and the goal is to settle payments between the countries of the Cooperation Council directly and directly, adding that the US dollar is still the main currency through reserves, and the American economy is still the largest economy, the ministry’s plans to attract investments in government lands, In his response to MP Muhammad Al -Rifai’s question, the minister explained that the government land investment platform launched 2022 for the optimal use of government assets, and it embodies the principles of Vision 2030 by achieving sustainability, competitiveness and justice, to be present in transparency and competitiveness to establish promising projects that achieve economic development. Update it, and there is a great demand from the private sector and investors, and with this platform and real estate movement we see an increase in these projects, and the government will adhere to offering government lands transparently for investors to be established on the best projects that create promising opportunities for citizens, and there is a joint work on the government team that includes specialized bodies, and there is a focus on continuous modernization of government agencies, including updating the investment, in a way that reflects the great work at the government level as a whole to update procedures And to reduce the duration of its completion, and to accelerate governmental procedures. On his part, MP Hisham Al -Asheiri asked: We see the global trend of electronic assets, specifically digital and coded currencies, and there are Bahrainis who receive contacts to invest in these currencies, and the question is whether there is a clear legislation that regulates this issue and keeps pace with developments, and is it possible to liquefy these currencies, and is there protection?



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