Home politics May 7 .. The businessman appealed for the ruling of his 3...

May 7 .. The businessman appealed for the ruling of his 3 -year imprisonment in the case of the Afsha check


Sunday 09/March/2025 – 01:50 PM

The competent court set the next May 7 session to consider the appeal of the businessman accused of setting up Mohamed Magdi Afsha, the player of Al -Ahly, in the amount of 13 million pounds, after he filed a challenge to his 3 -year sentence.

The issue of the monument is on Afsha

Lawyer Mustafa Magdi, businessmen defense accused of setting up Mohamed Magdi Afsha, has appealed the decision to imprison his client 3 years in the case of the Al -Ahly player check.

Earlier, the court issued its ruling to imprison the businessman 3 years, after being convicted of seizing the amount of 13 million pounds from the player, on the pretext of buying a Rang Rover from abroad.

This came after Afsha submitted an official communication against the accused, explaining in his statements that he had issued a bank check for the amount in favor of the businessman, but he did not receive the agreed car, so that the case would be moved and legal measures were taken against him.



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