Home entertainment “Mawaibi Al -Amal” announces the results of the first clouds for job...

“Mawaibi Al -Amal” announces the results of the first clouds for job affiliation bonuses with the participation of more than 18 thousand tickets


The company “Muwahibi Al -Amal” has announced the completion of the first withdrawal within the “job affiliation bonuses” service, the new initiative launched in March with the aim of enhancing institutional loyalty and motivating employees to continue their institutions.

The first withdrawal has received a wide turnout, as the number of participating tickets exceeded 18 thousand tickets, and it represents the total years of experience for all participating employees from various companies and institutions participating in the program.

The idea of ​​”job affiliation bonuses” is based on three monthly withdrawals. The first withdrawal during which one employee is chosen from each participating side, while the second withdrawal is devoted to choosing one winner among all employees participating in various institutions.

As for the third withdrawal, it was launched under the guidance of His Highness Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, representative of His Majesty the King for Humanitarian Affairs and Youth Affairs and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports.

The opportunity to win all the withdrawals increases as the employee service increases, which contributes to motivating cadres to continue and enhance the stability of the work environment.

Among the winners of the first withdrawal was the employee Jawad Al -Hayki from the Arab Company for Building and Reforming Ships, “Prisoner”, who has a job experience that extends for more than 30 years in the company, in addition to the employee Zainab Al -Alawi from the Al -Amal Projects Company, which represents one of the distinguished competencies that contributed to supporting the institutional work environment during its career.

On this occasion, the winners expressed their happiness with this initiative, which reflects the institutions’ appreciation of their employees, encourages them to continue and do more. “Muwahibi Al -Amal” confirmed that the clouds were made through a safe digital platform and according to the highest standards of transparency, praising the positive interaction of institutions and employees alike.

The company is also preparing to launch the upcoming clouds within the program, amid increasing interest from the parties keen to motivate its cadres and enhance job stability.



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