Wednesday 19/March/2025 – 05:23 AM
Dr. Nazir Ayyad, the Mufti of the Republic, received a question and mentioned to him: What is the ruling on disposing of the deposit before handing over the sale? There is a man working in the trade of electrical appliances, and some people used to treat him with a token that is unstable when purchasing the commodity on the fulfillment of the completion of the sale and paying the rest of the price, while receiving an involving trading document that is permissible, so is it permissible for him to dispose of what he receives as a token of some commodities before completing the sale and delivering that swallow?
The Mufti said through the official website of the Egyptian Ifta House: The Arabs paid to the seller by the buyer from the conclusion of the sale contract between them, his ownership is transferred to the seller as soon as he deserves him and caught him from the buyer by the original contract that includes the requirements of the Arabs, whether it is part of the price of the commodity if the sale is made, or in exchange for the purchase of the buyer, and it is permissible for the purchase of the buyer In that, Arabs of all kinds of behavior are like all its properties.
The purpose of the deposit and its ruling
He emphasized: The syntax of the Arabs included in the contractual image – the question of the question – either to preserve the right for each of the contractors in the entirety of the contract, by paying those who want the aggressors the destiny of these to the other parties, or to confirm the contract and decide on it by starting to implement it by paying the Arabs, as Al -Sinhuri in “Sources of the Truth” (p. 93, i. The Institute of High Arab Studies).
And he added: The sale of the Arabs on the aforementioned grammar is legally permissible for what the Hanbali went to in the accredited-contrary to the Imam Abi Al-Khattab Al-Kulwana-and he is one of the uniqueness of the gold without the other three schools of thought, as in the fairness of Imam Aladdin al-Mardawi (4/ 357-358) It was authorized by the esteemed companions and his wandering: the Commander of the Faithful Umar ibn Al -Khattab, and his son Abdullah, may God be pleased with them, and authorized him from the followers: Saeed bin Al -Masib, Muhammad bin Sirin, and Mujahid bin Jabir, as in the “Al -Musnaf” by Imam Ibn Abi Shiba, who is chosen for the fatwa.