Home politics International Women’s Day and an invitation to the return of women for...

International Women’s Day and an invitation to the return of women for their previous era


Saturday 08/Mar/2025 – 05:06 PM

In light of the celebration of the International Women’s Day, it is necessary to stop a little to think about the true status of women, which is represented in the militant and virtuous mother who instilled in the hearts of her children principles and values, and she came out of them, and she became an essential axis in building societies and renaissance in nations.

This woman who planted the seeds of success and reform, and became an example of role model and dignity to look at bright models such as Mrs. Khadija, may God be pleased with her, the first believer in the women who was an active partner in the message of Islam, as well as Mrs. Aisha, the mother of the believers, who was a key pillar in conveying science and directing the women of the nation.

But today, and we celebrate this day, we find that the image has changed significantly .. Some women have broke down from their identity and natural roles, so that the woman today appears different from what they were, while she was wearing the clothes of decency and good education, she was wearing revealing clothes that move away from the features of originality and traditions that were characterized by the values ​​changed An essential element in building family and society.

There is no doubt that this change did not happen from a vacuum, as several factors played a role in this slope between improper education or difficult economic conditions or social changes, the problems that made many girls move away from the moral values ​​that the media, especially drama and series, accumulated, to a good example and reference for many young women, where the girl sees a model that did not enjoy any ingredients of values And the principles, seek to imitate him without realizing the negative effects; Therefore, women often became merely a cheap commodity sold and buys in the market of desires and desires, which contributed to spoiling the image of women and destabilizing the values ​​of society.

On International Women’s Day, it is necessary to send an honest invitation to return women to their former era, where it is the school of values ​​and ethics, and she returns to be a symbol of transgression and pride in self and the woman must seek to set an example for their future generations, and to raise children on the values ​​and principles that preserve society, cohesion and prosperity, the true renaissance is only with the return of women to its pivotal role in the family and society, to adopt a community Co -coherent based on morals, and the homelands do not collapse unless the women’s values ​​collapsed.

It is an invitation to return to decency and respect, to become a symbol of dignity and dedication to the service of society and building generations .. Let us always remember that the collapse of women means the collapse of the whole society, because the family is the basis of society, and women are its primary column .. On this day, let us return the woman to their original position and maintain their values, to remain the living example of future generations.



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