With a remarkable performance, the Indian players participating in the Jassim Fakhro Chess Championship led distinguished results that almost led to the heart of the lead tables, where the Indian rising player, Sherines, managed to achieve a draw with Mohamed Tayseer, in which the closest was to win, as its citizen, the Indian player Bobby Sikar, tied with a draw with Hussein Abdel Jalil, with this result and sudden Indian performance, the scope of resolution expanded, waiting for the results of the tour. The ninth and last of the championship that Al -Oruba club hosted in its activities in Ramadan evenings, and the other results came as Anthony Novo’s victory over Munther Al -Fardan and the victory of the Tunisian player Mohamed Bouhelel against Khalaf Boukhlef and the victory of the Saudi player Nayef Al -Dossari over Roy Aradi and the player managed to break the victory over the Philippine Dadu Kagampan
Member of the Organizing Committee d. Bassem Karim that the committee is keen to adhere to providing the appropriate play factors followed in the internationally registered tournaments in accordance with the regulations and laws of the International Chess Federation and praised the cooperation of all players and their commitment to the championship instructions, wishing them success in their upcoming matches.