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How many zakat al -Fitr 1446 is the amount of intelligence in Saudi Arabia and how to calculate it easily


Zakat al -Fitr is one of the most prominent statutes that Muslims are interested in in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially with the coming of the blessed Eid Al -Fitr for the year 2025, as Saudi families are keen to know their value and how to remove them correctly, because of their importance in promoting social solidarity and spreading joy among the needy groups.

Explanation points for the amount of Zakat al -Fitr in Saudi Arabia 2025

  • Zakat al -Fitr is obligatory for every adult Muslim capable.
  • It is taken out before Eid Al -Fitr prayer.
  • The competent authorities in Saudi Arabia set their value between 20 to 30 riyals per person.
  • It can be pushed in cash or from the country’s food (rice, wheat, dates).
  • It helps in achieving social solidarity and happiness of the poor on the feast.

Al -Fitr zakat account

The number of family members The amount of zakat (for one individual) The total zakat value
1 20 Saudi riyals 20 Saudi riyals
2 20 Saudi riyals 40 Saudi riyals
3 20 Saudi riyals 60 Saudi riyals
4 20 Saudi riyals 80 Saudi riyals
5 20 Saudi riyals 100 Saudi riyals

The value of Zakat al -Fitr in Saudi Arabia for the year 2025 is about 20 to 30 Saudi riyals per person, according to what was determined by the official authorities in the Kingdom, provided that it is paid immediately before Eid Al -Fitr prayer to ensure that it reaches the beneficiaries and brings joy to their hearts on the day of Eid.

Zakat al -Fitr is usually calculated in the Saae, equivalent to 2.04 kg of rice, wheat, dates, or any local food. The Sharia authorities in the Kingdom also allowed the possibility of paying them in order to facilitate people, while emphasizing the necessity of handing them directly to the eligible people.

To clarify how to calculate easily, if the family is composed of five individuals, for example, and the amount of zakat is 25 riyals per person, the number of individuals (5) is hit in the cash value of the individual (25 riyals), so that the total value due is 125 Saudi riyals.

Using annual Zakat Calculator:

  1. Entry to the annual zakat calculator.
  2. to choose State (Example: Egypt).
  3. Choose the type of zakat “Criticism or Cash”.
  4. Enter the value of cash (for example: 1000).
  5. Entry The value of the goods You have.
  6. writing The debts that you have (creditor).
  7. Entry The debts on you (the debtor).
  8. Writing value The installments you pay.
  9. Enter value The installments you receive.
  10. Click “Calculate zakat” To show you the value of the zakat due.

It is advised to pay zakat early during the last days of Ramadan to ensure that poor families benefit from preparing for the feast, and achieving the highest goal of this blessed duty.


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