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How do you fast comfortably on hot days? .. Tips to avoid thirst and exhaustion


Fasting on hot summer days may be difficult, but by following some simple instructions, you can facilitate this experience and make it more comfortable.

Here are some tips that may help you to fast during hot periods.

Drink enough water between breakfast and suhoor

Make sure to drink 8 to 10 cups of water between breakfast and suhoor. It is important to distribute the quantity intermittently instead of drinking it in one go.

Eat a balanced suhoor meal

Suhoor is what will give you energy during the day, so try to include foods such as eggs, yogurt and fruits, because it gives a feeling of satiety for a longer period and that foods rich in fiber, such as vegetables and oats, also help reduce the feeling of thirst and hunger.

Avoid direct exposure to sunlight

If you have to go out, wear light lightweight clothes, use a hat or umbrella to protect from the sun and try to stay in shaded places as much as possible to reduce exposure to heat.

Reduce physical activity

Physical activity, especially on hot days, can increase the feeling of exhaustion. If you want to exercise, it is better to do it after breakfast or shortly before suhoor.

Eat moisturizing foods

Choose foods rich in water such as cucumber, watermelon and orange, as it helps you moisturize the body and yogurt is a good option because it is a perfect mixture of water and beneficial nutrients.

Avoid diuretic drinks

Avoid eating coffee and tea, as caffeine may increase fluid loss and instead, choose natural drinks like fresh juices.

Fasting fasting in a healthy way

When the breakfast time comes, start eating dates and a cup of water after it, then you can eat a warm soup to moisturize your stomach and avoid excessive eating directly so as not to feel overwhelming.

Get enough sleep

Good sleep improves your feeling during fasting so try to sleep early to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep, and take a short nap during the day because it helps you moisturize your body.

Stay away from tension

Tension can lead to a feeling of tiredness and hunger, so practiced deep breathing exercises and devoted time to reading or to have an enjoyable activity.

Listen to your body

If you feel very dizziness or fatigue, do not hesitate to take a rest and take care of yourself, it may be better to consult a doctor if the symptoms persist.



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