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High calcium … warning symptoms and methods of preventing complications


Calcium is one of the minerals necessary for bone and teeth health, as it plays an important role in muscle and nerve functions, but its high levels in the body can pose a health risk that may lead to serious complications if it is not dealt with properly, and this disorder is known as hypercalcemia, a condition that may affect the functions of the heart, kidneys, and nervous system, so it is important to identify its causes, symptoms, and risks to health.

Causes of high calcium in the body

There are several factors that may lead to an increase in calcium levels in the blood, the most prominent of which is the hyperactivity of the neighbor’s neighbor, as this gland controls calcium levels, and when a disorder occurs in it, calcium rises abnormally, and eating excessive amounts of calcium or vitamin D may cause calcium accumulation in the blood, some diseases such as cancer, chronic kidney diseases, dehydration can also cause Severe in high levels of calcium, in addition to that, taking some medications such as diuretics and oiazid may reduce calcium release from the body, causing its accumulation in the blood.

Symptoms associated with calcium height

Symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the high calcium, in light cases, no clear symptoms may appear, but in advanced cases, a person may suffer from a feeling of tiredness and constant fatigue, with muscle weakness, and the high calcium can cause digestive disorders such as constipation, loss of appetite, and nausea, this disorder also affects the kidneys, which may lead to severe thirst and abundance Urination, in some cases, disorders of heart function may occur such as irregularity, and the patient can suffer from neurological problems such as mental confusion, poor concentration, and depression.

The risk of high calcium on health

High calcium in the blood can cause serious complications if it is not treated, as its continuous height may lead to the accumulation of the kidneys causing kidney stones, which may cause severe pain and difficulty urinating, and the increase in calcium affects the bones, as it can lead to its weakness and increase the risk of osteoporosis, in severe cases, may cause heartbeat disorders, which may lead to heart Serious complications on blood circulation, and the continued high levels of the brain can affect the functions of the brain, causing consciousness in some acute cases.

Methods of preventing calcium high

To prevent calcium high, the balance of calcium should be maintained through the diet without excessive supplements. It is also recommended to perform periodic checks for calcium levels, especially for people with dramatic neighbor or kidney disease disorders, it is also important to drink sufficient amounts of water per day, because this helps prevent calcium accumulation in the kidneys, and you should also consult a doctor before taking any nutritional supplements that contain On calcium or vitamin D to avoid excessive doses.



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