Saturday 15/March/2025 – 04:59 AM
High blood pressure is more than more Diseases Disability and danger, and symptoms often appear until after height, also known as the silent killer, as most people do not warn it, and unless blood pressure is not measured, it is very easy to neglect it, with the passage of time, high blood pressure can harm the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes, while lifestyle plays an important role in maintaining blood pressure levels within the natural range, less than 120 mm Hg for the synonym, And less than 80 mm mercury for diastolic, and below are hidden reasons for high blood pressure, according to the Times Now.
Not eating fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are among the best sources of many nutrients, including potassium, which reflects the effect of sodium high in the body, and not eating enough amounts of them narrowing the walls of blood pressure, which leads to high blood pressure.
Eat a lot of salt
You must know the appropriate amount of salt, although salty foods may contain a high percentage of sodium, experts warn that foods that seem harmful, such as instant poding, immediate oatmeal, and even some sweet spices, may all be hidden sources of sodium, and always make sure of reading feeding stickers, especially the percentage of the daily value of sodium, as you should reduce eating foods. And the ready.
Not to sleep correctly
Negomy of sleep leads to a disturbance of blood pressure levels, and that high blood pressure may be due to the lack of sufficient sleep, and studies indicate that sleep for at least 7-8 hours is very necessary to maintain healthy blood pressure, as sleep changes the way to eat, and in the case of staying up late, eating snacks becomes usually, and eating unhealthy foods rich in calories may cause high blood pressure.