Home entertainment Health preparations for the prayer prayer in Ramadan

Health preparations for the prayer prayer in Ramadan


Prepared by: Dr. Kawthar Al -Eid

Here we have reached the end of the holy month, and the prayer prayer is considered one of the most important acts of worship in the month of Ramadan, and it requires physically and mentally preparedness that helps to perform it with comfort and reverence.

Here are the most important health advice to ensure the performance of prayer without exhaustion or health problems:

1- Balanced Nutrition:

Light and balanced breakfast: It is better to start breakfast with dates and water, then eat a meal rich in protein, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates to ensure sustainable energy. Avoid fatty and heavy foods that may cause lethargy.

– Suhoor rich in protein and fiber: such as eggs, yogurt, oats, and fruits, to maintain activity during the night and prevent thirst and fatigue.

Reducing sugars and caffeine: soft drinks and excessive coffee may affect the quality of sleep and cause dehydration.

2- Sufficient hydration:

Drink enough water between breakfast and suhoor, because dehydration may cause headaches and fatigue during prayer.

Eat water -rich fruits, such as watermelon and cucumber, to help moisturize.

3- Light exercises:

Do some light exercises or walk two hours after breakfast to stimulate blood circulation and reduce the feeling of lethargy.

Performing stretching exercises before prayer to reduce joint and muscles pain, especially for those who suffer from back pain or knees.

4- Good sleep and time organization:

Take care to sleep for enough hours, especially for those who intend to perform tahajjud in the last third of the night.

Organizing sleep and naps to avoid a feeling of exhaustion during prayer.

5- Choose comfortable clothes and shoes:

Wearing comfortable cotton clothes that help absorb sweat, especially in hot places.

Use a soft prayer rug to relieve pressure on the joints.

Good preparation for prayer prayer helps maintain activity and reverence. Balance between good nutrition, moisture, movement, and sleep, this worship can be enjoyed without physical or healthy stress.



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