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The family of the jihad of the wife killed by her husband in Menoufia revealed the details of the differences between their daughter and her husband and accusing her that she was infected with a demonic touch to justify the torture episodes that he was committing against her right, detaining and beating her.

The wife’s family is a victim of stabbing her husband in Menoufia, revealing the details of her death

Jihad Bayoumi, the victim’s sister, said that her sister’s husband was always beating and detention, explaining that he was claiming that her sister was subjected to a demonic touch and tortured her.

The victim’s sister, Jihad, explained that her sister endured a lot of insulting her husband and she was always leaving the house and going to stay with the house of her family, pointing out that her sister’s husband was also chasing her at the time of her stay with her family’s house and was always beating and fighting with her.

The sister of Jihad indicated that her sister’s husband previously tried to end the life of her sister strangled using the pillow, noting that her sister left him the marital home 6 months ago and came to reside with her and her mother, but the accused did not leave her and her affairs and kept her rain and threatened her by pouring a caustic material on her face to take revenge on her.

Jihad’s sister confirmed that they were residing in the Dar Al -Salam neighborhood of Cairo Governorate, but they left their house at Dar Al -Salam and went to reside in the Menoufia Governorate to escape the oppression of her sister’s husband, but he quickly learned about their transfer and went to chase them also in Menoufia, stressing that on the day of the incident, her sister was going to her work and her husband was waiting for her inside agricultural land and she was shocked by her to defend the back. Her hands, then she fired her stabs in the abdomen, heart, neck and face, saying: We insulted Cairo, Jina Menoufia, and Rana, and he threatened her and said her hierarchy on you.

The sister of the victim added: She stabbed her more than 22 stab wounds, and when she tried to defend herself, she would make her hands to her hands .. He was saying that you are jinn.



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