Home news Green powers are a health start

Green powers are a health start


Green salads, a distinctive health start that makes you gain energy in addition to that you will lose weight and become the ideal strength that you dream of and help you the holy month of Ramadan in obtaining this weight, because in the holy month of Ramadan you only eat two meal through which you can distribute your calories with the help of the most famous dish in all systems of slimming, which is a salad dish, there are many types of green salads. Dreaming all these types of salads help you, my dear, to feel full because it contains a high percentage of fiber, as it helps you to lose weight more healthy in addition to that it gives you beauty because of the vitamins it contain

Green powers are a health start


  • Three grains of cucumber
  • Three grains of carrots
  • Lettuce or Capuchha as desired
  • Small package of watercress
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Three grains of tomatoes
  • Pepper

To prepare the platform of the regular vegetable salad prayer, all you have to do is cut three grains of cucumber, and it is preferable that the pieces be small, then make the islands, then cut the lettuce or the cable scarf, according to what you prefer into very small pieces, then cut both the watercress and I want the lemon and black pepper into distinctive symmetric pieces, then add the lemon juice of a small spoon Pomegranate 1 tablespoon of olive oil has all these ingredients well to be ready to serve



  • Two cucumber pills
  • Two green peppers
  • A cup of white beans
  • Beam
  • A package of watercress

Beans are grains that contain a high percentage of fiber and add it to the salad. It gives it a wonderful taste, as it earns more food elements for this, my dear, and we have provided you with a way to prepare the beans salad with vegetables, and all you have to do is cut the cucumber, pepper, and special watercress into small pieces, and then in a bowl, put the beans in and leave it until it boils for a period of 10 to a quarter of an hour, then raise them Fire after making sure that it has matured completely, and in this stage, put the beans after washing them with cold water on the vegetables, then stir them well, and then add both salt and black pepper a tablespoon of olive oil a tablespoon of pomegranate molasses, a large lemon juice, then served and healing.

Also read: Ramadan healthy foods are frequently delicious in red sauce

Green powers are a health start
Green powers are a health start

Chicken salad with vegetables and sweet corn


  • 200 Gram of chicken
  • A package of lettuce and watercress
  • Four cucumber beads
  • Five grains of tomatoes
  • Half a cup of sweet corn
  • Two tablespoons of corn oil
  • Lemonine juice

To prepare the chicken salad with vegetables and the sweet clture, all you have to do is cut the chicken breasts into small pieces, then slide them on the fire with a spoon of olive oil until it is completely cooked, then add a little salt and black pepper to it to be ready, and thus cut the vegetables well, then prepare the sweet corn by emptying it from the saving box and emptying it on the sauce. Ready to apply, it is a distinctive light authority with low calories that give you almost longer.


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