Tuesday 11/March/2025 – 03:24 AM
The young Hossam Kamal Abdel Hafez died inside a mosque in one of the villages of Minya Governorate, in an influential scene that embodies the good end, while performing the Tarawih prayer in the blessed month of Ramadan, specifically in the last rak’ah of the Witr prayer.

Decreased moments in the fall of the young man inside the mosque
While the worshipers performed the Tarawih prayer with reverence, the young Hossam fell off in the last rak’ah of the Witr prayer, and the worshipers tried to help him, but he died, as the sadness of the village who witnessed these influential moments.
Good conclusion
The villagers considered the death of the young Hossam inside the mosque during the Tarawih prayer, Hassan Khatmah, and they called for mercy and forgiveness, and social media pages turned into a funeral book, where the young friends and relatives mourned Hossam, and they circulated his photos and videos of him while participating in religious events.

The people of the village spread the body of the young Hossam at a solemn funeral, in the presence of a large presence of family, friends and acquaintances, and the mourners expressed their great grief over the loss of a young man who had good manners and good biography, and they called for mercy and forgiveness, and that God dwells in his vast paradise, and to inspire his family and his patience and solace.
The death of a young man in Minya