Home entertainment Fasting fasting .. How do you overcome thirst in Ramadan?

Fasting fasting .. How do you overcome thirst in Ramadan?


Severe thirst during fasting is one of the most common problems that fasting faces, especially with the high temperatures and the length of fasting hours, as the body loses large quantities of fluid, which may lead to a feeling of fatigue and dehydration, and to prevent thirst during the day in Ramadan, effective strategies that maintain the body moisturize and reduce fluid loss, starting from choosing drinks and appropriate foods and even adjusting some daily habits.

Avoid drinks that increase thirst

There are some drinks that contribute to increasing fluid loss from the body, such as caffeine -rich drinks such as coffee, tea and soft drinks, as they stimulate the kidneys to get rid of water quickly, which increases the feeling of dehydration, and drinks rich in sugars may give a temporary feeling of moisture but lead to increased fluid loss later.

Drink enough water

Water is the primary component in preventing thirst, as it is advised to eat at least 8 to 10 cups of water during the period between breakfast and suhoor, and it is preferable to distribute it throughout the hours to ensure the body’s absorption of it well, and it is preferable to drink cold water to a moderate degree instead of ice, as the water is very cold may lead to the contraction of blood vessels, which reduces the efficiency of moisturizing the body.

Choose foods rich in water

Foods play an important role in maintaining moisture, so it is preferable to eat fruits and vegetables rich in water, such as watermelon, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, and oranges as these foods contribute to the body supplying fluids gradually, and foods rich in fiber such as oats and legumes help regulate water absorption in the body and reduce the feeling of thirst.

Avoid salty and hot foods

Salt foods such as pickles, fast food, and canned foods are among the factors that lead to a feeling of thirst, as they stimulate the body to get rid of fluids to equal to the high percentage of salts, and foods rich in spices and spices may increase the feeling of thirst, so it is advised to reduce eating these foods, especially during the suhoor meal.

Eat a balanced suhoor meal

Suhoor is an essential meal to reduce thirst during fasting, so it is better to contain slow -digesting sources such as proteins, whole grains, and vegetables, as these foods help slow the digestion and supply the body with energy and fluids for longer hours, and it is preferable to eat yogurt or curd in suhoor, as it helps moisturize the body for a longer period.

Avoid excessive sun exposure and heat

High temperatures increase sweating and losing fluid quickly, which raises the possibility of thirst, so it is preferable to avoid direct exposure to the sun, especially at peak times, and it is advised to wear light and loose clothes to maintain the cold body and reduce sweating.

Practice physical activity in moderation

Exercising or making a great physical exertion during fasting may increase fluid loss, so it is better to postpone any sporting activity after breakfast.



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